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Study Of The Desire To Contracted Land Paid Withdraw Based On Farmers' Income Structure

Posted on:2019-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330566465030Subject:Land Resource Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the current acceleration of urban transformation and rural economic development,the requirements for integration of urban and rural areas,new-type agriculture,and large-scale agriculture have become increasingly prominent.The“Opinions on Accelerating the Transformation of Agricultural Development Mode”issued at the Third Plenary Session of the 18 th CPC Central Committee pointed out that “We are adhering to rural land.On the basis of collective ownership and full respect for the wishes of farmers,rural farmers in rural reform pilot areas have been steadily conducting pilot projects to withdraw from the contracted land,and farmers who have stabilized non-agricultural employment income and lived in cities and towns for a long period of time have been voluntarily withdrawn from contracted land management rights.” From the above,it appears that the scope of ownership of rural land contracting rights has become increasingly clear,and the definition of ownership of rural land contracting rights has been further explained.The lifting of the restriction on the transfer of rural contracted land tenure has made it not only possible to use rural land.The transfer of power can also be achieved by subcontracting or exiting.This paper focuses on the research on the willingness of rural residents to withdraw from rural areas based on their existing income structure,0specific sample areas for field research,and studies the relationship between income structure of rural residents and the expectation of income and the willingness to withdraw land from paid land.Study the influence of rural residents' income structure and income expectations on land retreat behavior,so as to derive the thrust,pulling force and resistance of the micro-individual's economic level influencing land withdrawalintention.This study first collated domestic and foreign studies on rural residents' income structure,land transfer,and paid contracted withdrawal,defined related definitions,and combined Marx's land property rights theory,externality theory,land rent theory,dual economic theory,Rational small peasant theories,social security theory and other basic theories are studied,and the basic impact relations are combed.At the same time,field surveys are carried out to investigate rural residents' questionnaires,and descriptive statistics and econometric analysis are performed on the valid questionnaire samples to obtain income.The Impact of Expectations of Structure and Income on Rural Residents' Willingness to Turn Their Land.The results of the study show that most farmers are currently reluctant to withdraw from agricultural land compensation,but under the conditions of corresponding housing or insurance compensation,this result has changed.There is a significant positive correlation between wage income and the farmers' willingness to withdraw from payment,while operating income and transfer income all have a significant negative impact on the willingness to withdraw land;it is also expected for future earnings,insurance,education,and employment.The impetus for rural residents to participate in paid exit.Based on the empirical part,this study analyzes the impetus and resistance of rural residents to land requisition,proposes corresponding promotion measures for power,proposes corresponding solutions to resistance,and finally draws conclusions and proposes corresponding policy recommendations.
Keywords/Search Tags:paid contracted withdrawal, farmer income structure, contract right exit
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