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Study Of The View Of Nature In The Economic And Philosophical Manuscripts Of 1844

Posted on:2019-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330545975661Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the advancement of the times,all countries in the world have made great progress in economic,political,and cultural aspects,and people's living standards have been increasing.At the same time,the natural environment on which human life depends has suffered severe damage in this process of development.Water pollution,air pollution,soil pollution,and resource shortages are emerging in an endless stream.As we all know,the natural environment not only affects the sustainable development of the economy,but it also affects the human existence.The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844(hereinafter referred to as the Manuscript)is one of the works of Marx's youth.In his series of criticisms of capitalist private ownership and alienated labor,Marx's early problems with the ecological environment also flashed.Elaboration,scientific judgment of the origin and manifestation of the ecological crisis.The main task of this paper is to begin with Marx's Manuscript and sort out and analyze its view of nature in order to seek a practical guide to solve the current state of the ecological crisis.This article takes Marx's the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 as the basic literature material and Marx's view of nature as the basic context.It adopts the literature research method and historical research method to develop the concept of nature in the Manuscript from the following aspects:The first chapter is the combing and analysis of the ideological background and theoretical features of the view of nature in Marx's Manuscript and the development of Marx's concept of nature.Marx's concept of natural outlook was realized by transcending the ideas of Hegel and Feuerbach.This process not only reflects Marx's critical and unique vision,but also shows his dialectical thinking and humanistic concern.From the perspective of the longitudinal development of Marx's view of nature,integrating the concept of nature in the Manuscript into the development of Marx's concept of nature not only enables us to better understand the preliminary theoretical preparation of the view of nature in the Manuscript.It also allows us to grasp the development and improvement of Marx's natural outlook as a whole.The second chapter is the key chapters of this article.It mainly analyzes and analyzes the concept of nature in the Manuscript systematically and deeply.First of all,it summarizes the concept of nature contained in the Manuscript;then analyzes the origin of the ecological crisis exposed by Marx.It is precisely because of the private ownership system in capitalist society that causes the profit-driven nature of the capitalist,which makes capitalists have no restrictions on wealth.Pursuing the cost of destroying the natural environment at the expense of creating an ecological crisis,the specific form of expression is the four alienation phenomena existing in capitalist society.Finally,Marx put forward a rational method for resolving the ecological crisis problem,that is,reconciliation between people and people.Reconciliation of man and nature.The third chapter is based on combing Marx's view of nature and revealing the historical and practical significance of Marx's view of nature.In the development process of contemporary China,there have also been many problems in the ecological environment.How to effectively solve these problems and provide good ecological support for the sustainable development of our country has become our unrelenting pursuit.The concept of green development proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping is a result of the new scientific theories produced by the combination of Marxist and Marxist natural outlooks and China's actual environmental conditions.It is of scientific methodological significance for alleviating and solving the current problems in China's ecological environment.The theoretical results of this article are mainly embodied in the understanding of Marx's view of nature through the textual interpretation of the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844,mining the encounter between ecology and Marxism,and giving contemporary environmental issues scientific methodological guidance.Solve the problem of the real ecological environment to provide the path choice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, view of nature, the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844
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