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How To Promote The Ger Area Redevelopment In Ulaanbaatar City:From The Perspective Of Land Compensation Policy

Posted on:2019-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Enkhtsetseg LkhagvasurenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330545495788Subject:Public Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mongolia has entered the market economy since the early 1990s after the democratic revolution gained victory in a peaceful way.During the years of socialism before the 1990s,the Ulaanbaatar city's urban planning was developed with the assistance of the Soviet Union's urban planners.Totally urban planning was developed four times from the year of 1953 to the 1990's.Each of these urban planning was estimated wrongly on the population growth and city capacity.After the transition,urban planning was basically left behind until the Master Plan 2020 was developed in 2014.Unexpected migration influx has surrounded the city forming a new residential area called a Ger area.This migration has reached its peak after the "Law on Land Allocation for Mongolian Citizens" in 2002 which allows legally every citizen to privatize a plot of land up to the size of 700sq.m in the urban area.The newly-formed ger area which is not connected to the infrastructure such as central heating,water pipelines and expect electricity,has caused many challenging environmental issues that have reached an alarming level such as air pollution,water and soil contamination.In order to alleviate these issues,the ger area redevelopment program has been started in 2013 and now it has stagnated.What caused the stagnation of the ger area redevelopment from the land compensation policy?What can we learn from stakeholder's interview?In order to find and clarify the reasons for the stagnation of the ger area redevelopment,this research was conducted.Totally,forty-five interviews with households were made from three locations of the redevelopment which are the 10th sub-district of "Sukhbaatar" district,the 10th sub-district of"Songino-khairkhan" district and the 8th sub-district of "Bayanzurkh" district.Eight interviews with the project developers from 3 enterprises of certain three locations were made and also three interviews with experts from the Authority for Ger Area Infrastructure,the department for "Ger Area Investment" and the land department of "Sukhbaatar" district.In brief,after conducting the qualitative research and feedbacks through the interviews,it is found that many households who exchanged land for an apartment were compensated not based on the market price due to the lack of land market,outdated policy and regulations.In addition,households were not compensated for the immovable properties and other properties on the site in each of three locations for the research even though it is written on the law that immovable property and other properties on the site should be compensated along with the market price during the land acquisition.It has proved that households in each location have same complaints and tendency towards the redevelopment project,particularly for the compensation by the project developer.On the basis of the results of empirical research,it is obviously evident that land compensation policy should be improved and developed urgently for the current redevelopment case in the Ulaanbaatar city.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban redevelopment, Ger area, land compensation policy, Ulaanbaatar city
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