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Research On The Influencing Factors Of Agglomeration Of Producer Services In Southwest China

Posted on:2019-05-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P XiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330542998974Subject:Western economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present,China is in a critical period of economic and social transformation and development and deepening supply-side reforms.It is urgently necessary to promote the transformation of the economic growth mode and the adjustment of the industrial structure by developing the service industry,especially the producer service industry.As the most profitable and competitive industry link in the value chain and the competition chain,the productive service industry has shown strong momentum over the past 20 years and has become an important force in promoting economic growth and raising the level of social welfare.The development of producer services has been highly valued by the Chinese government and has been gradually incorporated into the national “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” to the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”.many areas and the central city of producer services will also be listed as key industries and pillar industry development.In recent years,the western region has made the producer service industry an important driver of economic development.However,compared with other regions,its productive service industry is clearly insufficient in terms of overall development level or agglomeration advantage.In view of the fact that the southwest region is China's inland hinterland and key development area in the western region,it is important to study the agglomeration of productive service industries in the southwest and their influencing factors,and to accelerate the “climbing over” and transformation and upgrading of social and economic development in the western region.The upgrade is of great significance.First of all,this paper will compare horizontally the development level of the productive service industry in the southwest region with the four major regions and the eight major social and economic regions.Then,based on the spatial dimension and the industry dimension,a comprehensive measure of the agglomeration status of the producer services in the southwest region was conducted.First,starting from the spatial dimension,we use the industry concentration index and location entropy indexto examine the level of concentration of producer services in the southwestern provinces(autonomous regions and municipalities).Second,starting from the industry dimension,the use of H index,space Gini coefficient and EG index to examine the clustering status of various sub-sectors of producer services in different provinces(cities,districts),so as to comprehensively reflect the productive services in the southwest region and spatial distribution of subdivision industry agglomeration and cluster advantages.Secondly,this paper combines the existing literature and industrial agglomeration related theories to try to construct a theoretical analysis framework for the influencing factors of producer service industry agglomeration.From the two aspects of producer services industry and subdivided industries,panel model is used to influence the factors.Perform theoretical hypothesis testing and empirical analysis.First,at the overall industry level,the results of the study indicate that the institutional environment,manufacturing concentration,urbanization,and knowledge intensity have a positive effect on the overall level of concentration of the producer services industry,and that the degree of openness to the outside world and the level of informationization are agglomerations.The level effect is not significant.Second,from the perspective of subdivided industries,it was found that the level of informatization,institutional environment,and manufacturing agglomeration were positively related to the concentration of transportation,warehousing,and postal industries;manufacturing agglomeration,informationization,urbanization,and information There is a significant positive effect on the convergence of transport,computer services,and software industries;knowledge-intensive industries and manufacturing agglomerations have a significant positive effect on financial industry agglomeration,but the institutional environment and information level have a significant negative effect on them;The level of environment and informatization promotes the development of leasing and business services agglomeration,but the degree of openness has hindered the improvement of its level of aggregation;the level of information and institutional environment has a significant positive effect onscientific research,technical services and geological exploration industry,but manufacturing agglomeration has a significant negative effect on it.Finally,based on the empirical research findings and the actual situation of the development of the producer services industry in Southwest China,this paper proposes the following policy recommendations: create a good institutional environment,promote coordinated development of producer services and manufacturing,accelerate the establishment of a talent training system,and In-depth information technology development,optimizing the internal structure of production services.
Keywords/Search Tags:producer services, agglomeration level, influencing factors, Southwest China
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