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Post Design Scheme Of MEP Project Of Shenyang New World Plaza

Posted on:2018-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F LiuFull Text:PDF
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Job analysis is the most basic and important unit of human resource management.In this paper,based on the construction of state-owned enterprises in electromechanical construction enterprises,under the Shenyang New World Department of mechanical and electrical installation project as an example,combined with the enterprise strategy,organization structure and project department responsibility,through the project department job exploration,diagnosis,analysis,process optimization,in order to improve the design objective of existing jobs.Shenyang new world project department is a single large volume of electrical professional project department,fewer staff,tight schedule,job settings are limited to the project management.In order to solve the problem of rigid mechanism project at present,based on the human resources job analysis as the core,and focus on the optimization of the existing problems in the process of post setting,the program,in the framework of the post management model under the requirements of ability to establish the responsibilities of each position,extraction and assessment and the post performance index,in the form of a written job description for the post fixed,and design process in the organization of security.This paper is divided into four parts:The first part analyzes the research background and significance,the current development trend of human resource management,the basic characteristics of the project,the research method and framework to solve the problems,determine the project exists through position analysis,position analysis and the theory is summarized,and puts forward the research direction.The second part introduces the Shenyang new world project and belongs to mechanical and electrical company,analyzes the current situation and existing project post setting electrical problems in the post setting,pointed out that the cause of the problem mainly by the post setting is not clear,the job description is not perfect,can not meet the needs of the post setting performance,lack of job evaluation and other factors.The third part is the Shenyang new world mechanical and electrical project post design.First clear the mechanical jobs management framework and job analysis process on the methods of evaluation and selection,determine the position setting should follow the principle of adjusting and on this basis,the new project post setting frame.Secondly,this paper studies the responsibilities and capacity requirements of the mechanical and electrical posts,and obtains the post responsibilities and the corresponding capacity requirements.Thirdly,this paper analyzes the performance indicators of the post,and combined with the job responsibilities,and extracts the performance indicators and evaluation criteria by decomposing the overall objectives of the project.Finally,through the design of the job description,the results of the job analysis are fixed,and the position is accurately described.The fourth part is the design and implementation of the project post design.Clear the design of the project post implementation steps,the implementation of the program staffing,and organizational and institutional protection.This article from the micro to the post analysis were studied,analyzed the typical building mechanical and electrical installation project company of typical post,the company's professional mechanical and electrical installation project,in project management,project characteristics,operation mechanism and civil construction,architectural design,architectural decoration,real estate and other types of enterprises are different,therefore,the job analysis project the work will be different,can be installed and construction enterprises setting up positions,job of reference.In addition,the post analysis is only for the Shenyang New World Project Department of all positions,the same method and theory can also provide reference for other types of project department.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electromechanical project, Job diagnosis, Job design
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