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Economic Evaluation Of YT Agricultural Product Logistics Center Project

Posted on:2018-06-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Q YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper,"YT agricultural products logistics center" in the circulation field of infrastructure construction project as an example,the analysis and evaluation of economic benefit of a set of methods of system construction,economic benefits index system of the project,the detailed calculation and calculation on the basis of the data,estimate the total cost,preparation of investment scale,investment plan table,financing and repayment schedule,operating income,income statement,cash flow statement of the project investment,financial planning,cash flow statement,through the integrated use of dynamic economic evaluation method and the static economic evaluation method of two kinds of methods,objective evaluation of the project's profitability,solvency and financial viability,and then on the basis of the project of breakeven analysis,sensitivity analysis and risk analysis and evaluation,finally got a strong reference price Finally,the future research directions and key points are prospected.Through in-depth analysis and research,this paper think: YT agricultural products logistics center project according to the design is completed,the financial internal rate of return after tax is 24.63%,the tax is 29.21%,the financial net present value of the project is 845 million 260 thousand yuan,the investment profit rate is 17.36%,capital profit rate is 70.59%,the project pre tax and after tax internal rate of return of more than the industry benchmark rate of return(SOCIAL IRR 8%),at the same time,the project payback period of investment is 5.07 years after tax(including the construction period,the same below),dynamic investment recovery period is 6.11 years after tax,the investment recovery period is short,the project in the operation period of the annual debt service reserve coefficient greater than 1,the project debt paying ability,project loan repayment period of10 years,far below the operating period,the project has strong solvency.In addition,this project can generate considerable operating cash flow every year during the operation period,which can effectively guarantee the sufficient cash flow for the sustainable development of the project.Breakeven point is 48.03%,the project profitability threshold is relatively low,reflecting the profitability of a project's internal rate of return,net present value and the investment recovery period is not sensitive to the influence factors of the project,the project's profitability has strong stability and anti risk ability.Therefore,the project has a strong economic feasibility.
Keywords/Search Tags:agricultural products, logistics, project, economy, evaluation
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