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Oil Transport Channel And Pattern Change Of The Big Arctic Area

Posted on:2018-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S GaoFull Text:PDF
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As a basic guarantee for promoting the country's steady development and safeguarding its economic security and military security, the oil issue has been widely regarded by all countries in the world. For a long time,oil resources has been a fierce competition for strategic resources, economic development is inseparable from the supply of oil.Sustainable economic development of a country can't come into being without stable oil supply, therefore, the matter about oil has been thought high of all the while.After the introduction of The Big Arctic, this paper focuses on the analysis of oil transport channel in this area. Taken into consideration of the open of Arctic Transport Channel, the abundant oil resources in Arctic and political factors, the current oil transport channel will surely get changed. Consequently, using the factor analysis method, the potential changes in oil importing transport channel has been discussed,which derivates the new pattern of oil transport channel. According the data, we can draw the conclusion that Russia, America, Canada and other Arctic countries with sufficient oil will raise their status in oil trade, and Arctic countries will decrease their oil rely to Middle East area, which means The Big Arctic Area may become the new center of oil trade.From the results point of view, in the Arctic route navigation and the development of the Arctic resources before the Great Arctic region as a whole on the Middle East oil dependence, from the Suez Canal, Malacca Strait and other traditional routes of oil imports accounted for a large proportion. The Great Arctic countries have more choices,the dependence on the Middle East market decline, the Middle East market share reduction, has been dependent on the route constraints have also been eased. At the same time, the United States, Russia, Canada, Norway's position in the oil trade rose,especially in Russia, rich in oil resources so that it will be the main importer of many Eurasian countries. However, although the Russian authorities to mining, but the attitude of conservative, insisted on sovereignty, do not want other countries to participate. Therefore, for our country, the best way is through the provision of cutting-edge technology, etc., in the respect of sovereignty under the premise of cooperation model, and actively participate in the establishment of a stable and stable oil trade relations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Arctic, The Big Arctic, Arctic Oil Transport Channel, Oil, Pattern
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