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Migrant Workers Returning Home To Start A Business And The Change Of A Village

Posted on:2018-05-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y MengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Space is the basic dimension of social life, and no social action can happen in a situation without spatial dimension.But space is not the static container of social action,which is produced in the purposeful social practice and has the reverse force to society.Under the background of the integration of urban and rural areas and the construction of new countryside, especially under the condition of the support of government policies and the optimization of the macroeconomic environment, it has become a trend of the times that the migrant workers return home to start their own businesses. Migrant workers returning home for business, brought back the capital,technology, management experience, and also brought back the modern civilized city life style, consumption concept, way of thinking, which fundamentally impacted the traditional rural social structure, and brought great change to the rural spatial structure.This paper is a case study of Ma Ling Cun, Jingshan County in Hubei Province,where 9 migrant workers return home for business and change the face of the home with all the villagers through the practice of space.After five years of entrepreneurial practice,the spatial structure of Ma Ling has undergone fundamental changes, and people's production and life style have also been profoundly affected and changed. This research mainly adopts the basic concept and research framework of space theory, to study the changes of space from the three aspects of space material, social and spiritual, further understanding the logic of practice space of migrant workers.The full text is divided into three parts, consisting of six chapters. The first part is an introduction, including the first chapter. First of all, the paper reviews the theoretical perspective of the study and the research progress in related fields, and then clarifies the research theme, basic concepts, methods and objects, as well as the research framework.The second part is the main body, including the contents of the second chapter to the fifth chapter. The second chapter briefly introduces the formation mechanism and entrepreneurial types of migrant workers returning home for business,and presents the business practice of the migrant workers in Ma Ling Cun. The third chapter to the fifth chapter is in the logic of the theory of space, which study the changes of Ma Ling spatial structure from the three aspects of physical space,social space and spiritual space.The third part is the sixth chapter, the summary of this paper, which makes a summary and reflection on the research object and theoretical perspective.
Keywords/Search Tags:space, migrant workers, returning home to start business, change
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