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Study Of The Chinese Auto Finance Industry's Present Situation Problems And Countermeasures

Posted on:2018-12-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At this time China has become the most important and largest Auto market in the world,and still maintains very highly speed development.Until 2016,the total car volume in China reached 184 million,the total production and sales volume in 2015 exceeded 24.4 million.Auto industry has become the one of the most important vital industrial in China.Accompany with the highly development of the Auto industry,Auto finance industry still at its beginning stage in China even with a great potential,the percentage is still very low during this time.It is showed by the market research data.In US,80%of the new vehicles sold through Auto finance.The percentage of Auto finance in Germany also reached 70%.In Indian market,Auto sales through finance also exceeded 60%.In China Auto finance only contributed less than 20%of the total new vehicle sales.As an important involving part of the whole Auto finance industry,Auto finance companies should not be neglected.There are more and more research and analysis about this subject in China.But most of the researches are either from the inside by work staff of the industry or from the outside by the scholars in academic field.It seems pretty rear that the research combines both the industry experience and the academic perspective.And it is even fewer that the research focuses on auto finance companies.In this paper,the author started with real work experience.Based on the current situation of the industry,I want to do some research of the supply and demand relationship of the auto finance products and some restricted problems both from inside and outside.I want to analyze the problems with the academic theories,also use some examples of foreign countries experience and also with my own thinking.I hope this research will give some useful suggestions to the development of the China auto finance industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Countermeasures
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