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XX Shipping Company Competition Strategy Research

Posted on:2018-08-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M XueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330518485434Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with economic globalization continuously strengthen,the international trade increasingly frequent,multinational company business scope expands unceasingly,also promoted the Marine transportation industry rapid development.At the same time,represented by China,Japan,South Korea's Asian countries gradually become the center of the world shipbuilding industry,more and more important in the position in the international shipping market in Asia.XX shipping group is the leading shipping companies in Asia,although from the point of this year,the world shipping market downturn generally,challenge the situation more and more serious,XX shipping groups still maintain the momentum of positive development,by virtue of their own strength,it will continue to make a profit in the case of the downturn of environment,and the world rankings are also rising steadily.This paper first discusses the expounds the related enterprise competition strategy theory;Secondly to XX shipping groups including macro environment,industry environment and competitors etc.A detailed analysis of competitive strategy environment;Current operation combined with XX shipping groups at the same time,the SWOT theory to XX shipping groups discussed in this paper,the internal environment do analyze the XX shipping group's competitive advantages,weaknesses,opportunities and threats;Based on the above analysis and summary,the choice made the XX shipping groups overall competitive strategy,strategy implementation and safeguard Suggestions are presented.For XX shipping,formulate and implement competitive strategy,help change the industrial structure,enhance the core competitiveness,increase profits,has a great realistic meaning.Facing the current complicated and changing the external opportunities and challenges brought by the shipping market environment,XX shipping groups should be based on the direction of development,its capabilities and resources,its advantages and external environment of the associated threats and opportunities,finally find the optimal point,choose suitable for their own development in different periods of diversified competition strategy.Namely in the face of competitors,belongs to the nuclear strategy;In the face of competition ability,implement the strategy of cooperation;In the face of market competition,the implementation of diversification strategy;Customers in the face of competition,implement differentiation strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:XX Shipping Company, Refocusing Strategy, Differentiation Strategy
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