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The Study On Time-space Changes Of Food Production In Hubei Province

Posted on:2018-12-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M C LanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330518482606Subject:Physical geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Survival, reproduction and development of human society are established on the important foundation of occupying material goods. With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization of the city in our country, the agricultural land to non-agricultural land change speed, the agricultural population shift to non-agricultural population is also accelerating, spatial distribution of grain production, planting structure and yield structure changed greatly. Meanwhile,in the urbanization process,blindness of human activities result in prominent land deterioration, soil pollution and water pollution, restraining our food production in China. Though the natural population growth rate in China has been reduced to 4.6‰ in recent years, it is still increasing at the speed of 6 million every year, due to large population base. For many years, China has supported more than 20% of world population at less than 8% of world plough. The development of industrialization and urbanization speeds up the difficult degree to achieve the goal. The economic relation between various countries is increasingly closed. Risk factors of Chinese economy are enlarged. Grain safety is the fundamental safeguard of economic development. As a result, in order to realize stable and sound economic operation, it must reinforce grain study on some problems.With the concentrated plough and abundant labor force in Hubei Province, it has been a great province of agriculture in China since the ancient times. As one of 13 food production centers, it develops an important role on safeguarding food supply. With the development of industrialization and urbanization, the contradiction between people and land is increasingly prominent. Urbanization rate expands at the speed of 1%.Population is increased at the 4.9‰ of natural growth rate every year,but total plough area is reduced year by year. Natural resources and social economic factors impacting food production also are changed. As a result, reinforcing the study on time-space pattern evolution of food production in Hubei Province not only has the guiding significance on optimizing configuration of agricultural resources and improving total grain, but also has the important strategic role on stabilizing grain supply and safeguarding grain safety.The text is divided into seven parts: the first part, introduction. From the research background, significance and the domestic and foreign research situation about food problem, etc are studied. By comparing the characteristics of this paper and the previous papers, to summarize the characteristics and innovations of this paper. The second part: Theory and method. The first is to define the basic concept of "food" and"food security"; then introduces the theoretical basis for the support of this article,including the agricultural location theory, the theory of sustainable development theory and the regional division of the three theories; finally a detailed description of the research method. The third part is the general situation of the study area. Mainly introduces the basic situation of Hubei Province, including the geographical position,span, administrative division, and the analysis of conditions of grain production in Hubei Province. The fourth part is the temporal and spatial variation of grain yield in Hubei province. The temporal and spatial variation of grain yield in Hubei province was analyzed from the aspects of diachronic change, the effect of cultivated land use,spatial variation and spatial characteristics.The fifth part discusses the factors of promoting grain production in Hubei province from the aspects of urbanization process,science and technology level, natural disaster, national policy, city and so on.The sixth part, according to the temporal and spatial characteristics of the changes of grain yield change reason, put forward to stabilize food production measures in Hubei Province,involving the city planning, agricultural investment, water conservancy construction,policy tilt, risk control etc.The seventh part, conclusion and discussion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hubei Province, food production, temporal and spatial variation, structure effect, scale effect, degree effect, intensity effect
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