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Jiangxi Bole High-Tech Development Strategy Research

Posted on:2018-02-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330518478964Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The agricultural development of our country has a long history,long-term since agriculture is the basic i ndustry of our national econom y,occupies an im portant position in the na tional economy,accelerate the re alization of agricultu ral modernization is the basic principle for China's economic development,the development of agriculture not only has important economic significance to th e healthy and stable development of the national economy,but also because of China's rural area.The population of the state agricultural benign development is closely related to the beneficial to the pe ople's livelihood has im portant political significance.In recen t years,the central put forward the developm ent strategy of agricultural industrialization,the development strategy of leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization in Jiangxi agricultural high-tech Limited by Share Ltd bleomycin was studied,carried out a full i nvestigation on the basic situation of enterprises,Jiangxi Bolai agriculture high-tech Limited by Share Ltd is pork processing as the center of the group,gr oup for the developm ent of ecological agriculture the target,industry chain construction scale,this study uses the theory of enterprise strategic management analysis tools are analyzed in detail on how to formulate the company strategy,analyzes the influence of political,econom ic and social,cultural and technological environment for the development of the company by PEST analysis,the use of strategic management in the P otter five competitive analysis method the an alysis of the co mpany's market competitiveness,SWOT analysis method to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the development of the company,The opportunities and threat s,based on the above analysis on the factors that the com pany's development strategy: to develop new m arkets,develop new products,im prove product market share;im prove the industrial chain,to accelerate the integration of construction;the im plementation of b rand strategy,leading enterprises in construction industry.On how to ensure the implementation of the strategy,it is put forward from the enterprise personnel and system construction,capital and technical level to ensure.
Keywords/Search Tags:agricultural, meat food enterprise, development strategy
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