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Effect Of Cross-border E-commerce For SMEs Development In China

Posted on:2017-11-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H C FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330515991496Subject:World economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on our population is the world's largest country,a huge market base,strong economic vitality.China's total trade has been a leader as the world's first in 2013.The amount of trade growth in the future will continue to lead the world.With the global economic integration,The development of foreign trade is critical to China's economic development.Emergence of electronic commerce has changed the traditional development mode of foreign trade,especially the development of cross-border e-commerce to speed up the internationalization of SMEs.In 2016,with the introduction of cross-border electricity supplier tax reform,promote and regulate cross-border e-commerce transactions,in the future,cross-border e-commerce will become the mainstream of the business model.SMEs can make use of this new business model to expand the scope of the market,access to international markets.Cross-border e-commerce has changed the competitive environment of SMEs in China,the basis of competition and competitive way,and enhance the competitiveness of SMEs in China,SMEs can use cross-border e-commerce marketing network to expand trade and reduce trade marketing costs,reduce product create difficulty,to enhance international competitive advantage,to achieve industrial upgrading and industrial restructuring of China's foreign trade,and eventual expansion of the international market.Therefore,explore the subject about the use of cross-border e-commerce SMEs,with a distinctive background and practical significance.Based on this,the paper reviews the research status and research results of cross-border e-commerce,grasp the leading edge of research,and thus leads to a research paper.The study focused on the impact of cross-border e-commerce for SMEs in China,Paper draws Krugman's monopolistic competition increasing returns model,Melitz dynamic industry model.In order to study whether cross-border e-commerce for SMEs can promote exports,the extent of the application of cross-border e-commerce as a variable index,introduced into the model to Melitz.Finally we can obtain two conclusions:the use of cross-border electronic commerce will help to improve the level of exports improved,leading to intensive export enterprises increase;improved the export volume and export intensity with the use of cross-border e-commerce increases.
Keywords/Search Tags:e-commerce, cross-border e-commerce, SMEs
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