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Asian Development Bank Development Project Performance Experience Study

Posted on:2018-07-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Asian Development Bank(ADB)has been operated over sixty years that witnessed the rise of the Asian economy.And its international development assistance delivered to 40 recipient countries which played an important and necessary role during that period.After reviewed the relevant literature on international assistance,this paper found that there was a great difference between domestic and foreign scholars' research on development assistance provided by multilateral banks.That is,most of the domestic scholars focused on the international political perspective and analyzed the politic wrestle amid the recipient countries through case study.Thus,it seems less exorable,because their researches lacked empirical evidence to support their findings.To fix this academic gap,the paper introduced the evolution of the international multilateral assistance theory model to examine project data collected from ADB.What's more,each step of ADB Project Cycle was explained in this paper,from preparation,implementation and supervision to final evaluation.The paper emphasized on Independent Evaluation Department(IED)affiliated to ABD and carefully studied Participatory Project Evaluation(PPE),ADB specific monitoring and evaluation methods.The paper tended to explain two issues.First,not all development aids presented positive performances.It adopted the classification model proposed by Clements to test the ADB aid cases from 1980 to 2013.The regression result suggested that the recipient countries had a clear positive correlation with economic aids,a relatively weak correlation with social aids,nevertheless,a negative correlation with environment aids,which dissatisfied with citizens'expectation.Second,the paper analyzed the evaluation mechanism of ADB,including relevance,effect,efficiency and sustainability.Those 4 standards were too simple to judge whether aid performance were good or not.After studied 3 aid cases in Pakistan,this paper compared the results with the data third-party database,which was slightly different from each other.Thus,it was worthy of further research.As known,the first project of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB)is an infrastructure case,constructing the M-4 Expressway in Punjab,Pakistan.Based on the experience of ADB's performance management,the paper summarized the three lessons and inspiration for AIIB to help.During preparation,AIIB should operate step by step and target assistance programs more precisely;during execution,AIIB should monitor the program effectively and report the progress more promptly;during evaluation,AIIB should set both"hard and soft benchmark" and connect various databases for AIIB to take into account.
Keywords/Search Tags:Asian Development Bank, International Aids, Sustainable Development, Performance Management
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