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Research On The Impact Of TPP On China's Service Trade

Posted on:2018-12-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330515456749Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement(TPP)is the latest development of trade and investment integration for the countries in the Asia Pacific region.The ultimate goal of TPP is not only to achieve the integration of the Asia Pacific region,but also reflects the new pattern of trade development in the Asia Pacific region.China is a very important country in the Asia Pacific region,TPP will have a profound impact on China,it is particularly worthy of our attention.There are not only many strict rules of trade rules,but also some political and labor standards.And these provisions will be directly rejected by China outside the TPP,resulting in China was isolated from the Asia Pacific economic development system,so that Chinese exports are facing a severe test.In January 24,2017,the new president of the United States Trump announced the withdrawal of TPP,making a dramatic change in the TPP negotiations.In view of the development history of TPP long and tortuous and development prospect of whirling,whether it will impact on China economic and trade,what impact will the world economy and trade,is a major issue in front of us,at the same time as the Chinese since the accession to the WTO,although the development of service trade is relatively stable,the scale of trade in services continuously expand service trade growing,constantly optimize the structure of trade in services,but the problem of slowing the pace of development,trade deficit increased gradually show up.It is of great practical significance to explore the development strategy of China's service trade under the background of TPP.This paper first summarizes the main terms of service trade in TPP,and the latest TPP development process,then analyses the status quo of the development of service trade China,are summarized China service trade development achievements and problems,and then analyze the TPP brought to the Chinese service trade the positive and negative effects,pointed out that although TPP has weakened the influence China international trade in services,disrupted the development planning of China service trade,strategic layout and construction of free trade zone Chinese FTA TPP block,but also will promote the China trade in services faster internationalization,faster development of modern service industry,innovative service trade products,complete the transformation from the traditional to the international service trade structure the moderm service trade structure.Finally stressed China must take action in advance,improve the service trade system optimize the structure of trade in services,and expand the China and between members of TPP,the scale of trade in services,accelerate the construction of(China ASEAN Free Trade Area China,expand China continues to open up market of service trade,all-round,multiple channel to carry out bilateral and multilateral regional economic and trade cooperation to cope with the adverse to TPP effect of China brings,the service trade has Chinese long-term stable development.
Keywords/Search Tags:TPP, service trade, FTA
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