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Poultry Industry Business Model Research Of Hongze County

Posted on:2016-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330512972271Subject:Agricultural Extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hongze county's unique advantage in poultry breeding and cultivation itself the characteristics of less investment,short cycle,fast income,make this industry in hongze county development rapidly,has always maintained a fast growth speed in recent years,the poultry breeding has become the hongze county agriculture leading industry,the whole chicken industry output value has reached 1 billion,absorbing rural surplus labor in the regional economic development,and increase farmers' income and so on the important role of along with the continuous expansion of the industry and the increasingly obvious.Although from the point of the whole industry,hongze county poultry industry development momentum,and formed a variety of industry business model,but from the point of view of the operator,due to the imperfection of the existing business model,more or less there are some problems to be solved,operators generally feel there is a big business risk,to some extent affected the healthy development of poultry industry county.In view of status quo of hongze county chicken industry business model,this paper choose the topic for study,hope to be able to for hongze county poultry industry business model to conduct a comprehensive analysis of current situation and problem of hongze county chicken industry business model in a comprehensive grasp,find out the county business model based on the problems existing in the poultry industry,put forward the perfect strategy of the chicken industry business model,so as to bring the poultry industry and healthy development of the county more theoretical guidance.In this article,the integrated use of literature research,normative analysis,comparative research methods,such as in hongze county as the research object,select the poultry industry business model the subject in-depth study,through in-depth study found that the main three of the chicken industry business model,namely dispersion management pattern,leading enterprises + farmers,leading enterprise + cooperative + peasant household model of three typical modes,including separate management and leading enterprises + farmers mode is the most common,the analysis of the operation mode,the advantages and disadvantages of various models in this paper,put forward the "leading enterprises +cooperative + peasant household" model is the ideal choice of the county's poultry industry business model.This paper for hongze county poultry industry,summarizes the problems existing in the operation mode,industry chain distribution uneven high interests,the government did not play a role of good regulation,bibcock enterprise leading role is not strong,chicken brand construction lag,the peasants' consciousness is poorer,incomplete industry chain and so on,these problems seriously affected the hongze county the healthy development of the poultry industry.In hongze county quantifies universality and representativeness of the problems existing in the management pattern,this paper puts forward the county poultry industry management model to perfect the specific strategies,namely,from the government regulation,brand building,interest distribution,industrial chain construction as a whole.
Keywords/Search Tags:hongze county, Poultry industry, Business model, Risk, The interests
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