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The Communication Management Research Of ITMS System Expansion Project In D Company

Posted on:2017-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330503978458Subject:Engineering Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the competition being more and more fierce, traditional telecom operators need to use information management platform more frequently for supporting their daily network operation work. Whether these construction project of information management platform can be carried out successfully will affect the operational efficiency and competitiveness of the enterprises. However, under the limit of enterprise operation system an d human resources, it is no longer feasible to provide each management platform with research and maintenance team. Staff from different department and different integrators will involve in the construction of these platform. As a result, the channel of co mmunication will become complex, which will bring great challenges to the management of project. Therefore, the communication management has become a key determinant of the success of the project in this type of platform construction project management pro cess. This article will find solutions to the implementation of the project management process communication problems, making true that project will be done successfully, avoiding communication problems which affect project progress and quality from the operator's point of view.This paper mainly will do the following aspects:First, it will find the main communication problems in the Integrated Terminal Management System(ITMS). This paper will take ITMS's expansion project as a example, tracking the background and the entire process of the project and summarizing the delivery of the project over the years. Expounds the D company as a large state-owned enterprises, large organization framework, personnel relationship is complex, and the integrators are the background of the relationship between the interests of the long-term influence each other. And use the form of questionnaires to collect data, integrators and internal employees in the company for the communication satisfaction situation investigation, summarizes the main contradiction in communication, find out the key problems affecting the quality of project communication.Secondly, this paper will construct internal and external communication model, finding the key problems and path of communication. This paper reviews the organizational structure of the company and integrators, and interactive relationship between staff. Establishing a communicative relationship matrix by the two dimensions of departments and members. And calculating the important indicator of social network analysis is Degree centrality, Close centrality and Intermediate centrality by combined with social network analysis method, through the calculation results and network diagram to find out the internal and the key departments in the process of communication with the integrators and key members, and analyze the causes of communication problems are discussed.Finally, this paper will summary of proposed improvement program project communication management. By critical path quantitative analysis results obtained and communication problems and analysis, combined with the project management theory, this paper designed a detailed improvement program for communication to highlight priority issues. Both from within the company's point of view or from the perspective of bilateral cooperation are given recommendations construction. Ability to communicate itself as a soft power is related to organization system and personal ability. Only by constantly improving the institutional structure, it enhances the overall quality of communication to create better atmosphere in order to avoid miscommunication affect the construction of the project.In this paper, social network analysis and theoretical knowledge of modern project management will be combined to form a more practical approach to management, which has considerable significance for D company's communication management software systems in the project implementation process. The main innovation lies as follows: 1) Using social network analysis, analysis of the sector and the microscopic structure of interaction among members quantitatively. And use of the network diagram depicts the relationship between the image of departments, members and between members. 2) It combines the various stages of implementation of the project, and all angles of internal and external organizations to systematically analyze communication problems arising form a more realistic improvement plan.
Keywords/Search Tags:ISP, Communication Management, Project Management, Social Network
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