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The Determination Of The Content Of Junior High School Prose Reading Teaching

Posted on:2018-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2357330542979992Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From 2010 to 2012,the "Yangtze River Delta Language EducationForum",which was held in the third consecutive language learning magazine,is concerned with how to determine the teaching content At present,the consensus is that the content of teaching materials and teaching content can not be equated equally.The content of Chinese teaching is not already determined naturally,but it needs to be "reconstructed" before it can be presented in front of students,and finally realize the improvement of students'language literacy.The new curriculum standard attaches great importance to the important role and significance of the language courses in language literacy.According to the actual situation of the current teaching materials,prose occupies the dominant position in quantity.However,front-line teachers on the prose reading should be what content,but also the lack of a clear understanding of the theory,resulting in the actual operation of the bias.First of all,the prose of the style of knowledge is unclear,in many cases the narrative prose as a novel to teach,the argument as a prose essay to teach,regardless of the characteristics of the prose itself;secondly,the same class of prose indiscriminate teaching Almost the same content,regardless of the specific characteristics of each prose,can not cause students to read the desire,more difficult to reach the hearts of students;Third,the essence of the prose lies in which the emotions,but teachers often rigid In the prose description of the specific things,the lyrical prose taught to write the article of the scene,to abandon the core values of the prose.At the same time,a variety of teaching new models continue to emerge in the classroom teaching one-sided exaggerated humanities,that students can go to the text free to read,teachers and students in the classroom is the same position,the height of the students is the height of teaching,Can not really enhance the students' reading ability.On the one hand,these problems are due to the lack of "teaching content to determine" awareness,on the other hand,many teachers are often more lack of practical value of the method,do not understand the content of the teaching should be considered what factors.Therefore,this article hopes to take the prose as the starting point,through the people of the seventh edition of the prose essay contained in the system of combing,selected representative classroom system research,sort out the influence of prose teaching content of many factors,hope for the first line Teachers in the junior high school prose reading teaching content and the choice of teaching strategies to provide practical recommendations.The first chapter is the introduction,the main content of this part is the origin of the study,the research results of the past scholars,what kind of research value of this subject;Chapter 2 is the concept of definition,"prose","reading teaching "Chapter 3 begins to discuss the influencing factors involved in the teaching content of prose reading,including curriculum objectives,teaching materials,text reading,learning and so on;Chapter 4:"teaching content "and" case study " On the basis of systematically combing the teaching materials,the distribution of prose has a clear grasp;Chapter 5 into the discussion of practical strategies,each type of prose has both the same,but also has its unique text characteristics,each type of prose author Have chosen a representative class for analysis,and strive to make the study more instructive.The conclusion is the basic summary of the whole paper,and the shortcomings and future development may be explained.
Keywords/Search Tags:Junior high school, Prose reading teaching, Teaching content
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