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Case Study On The Practice Of Campus Football In Chengbei District, Xining City

Posted on:2018-05-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J B JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2357330518479349Subject:Physical Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The northern district of Xining has made full use of the resources and policy advantages of the region,and has made vigorous efforts to carry out the primary school football and has achieved remarkable results.Among them,Chao Yang primary school,Ma Fang primary school and Garden primary school make full use of the school grounds,teachers and teaching resources,carry out football teaching and training activities,take part in all kinds of campus football competitions at all levels with the support of the district education bureau and school leadership.The development of campus football is in the leading position in Xining city and Qinghai province,and the experience and methods of carrying out campus football practice are worth summarizing and spreading.In order to provide theoretical basis for the further development of the campus football,this study analyzes football teaching situation,the campus football activities out of class and campus football competitions of Chao Yang primary school,Ma Fang primary school and Garden primary school by literature method,fieldwork method,logic analysis,case analysis and other methods.Study results are as follows:1.Primary school football teaching activities in the northern district of Xining city: Ma Fang primary school ensures at least 1 football lesson a week per shift,guides the teaching activities through campus football teaching instruction manual compiled by the expert team and forms a complete teaching system.In the course of teaching activities,teachers pay attention to the teaching interest and cultivate the autonomy and motivation of students' practice.By encouraging students in the form of language and action in teaching activities,the students can build confidence.To cultivate the students interest in football it chooses the teaching contents to suit student age stage and uses effective teaching methods to improve the teaching quality.2.Primary school football training activities in the northern district of Xining city: According to the actual circumstance of the school training plan Garden primary school develops safety plans to ensure that students can carry out safe,healthy and positive football training activities.It strengthens students' football technical abilities,conducts periodic training during the holidays by gradual training focusing on improving students tactical reading and the competing abilities.3.Primary school football activities in the northern district of Xining city: Chao Yang primary school plays the role of the campus football league for the development opportunity of national campus football layout,and holds the football match between class and class,school and school every week with district-level football games at the same time.It trains teachers in various forms to improve the ability of teachers' tactics to develop students' potential and achieve excellent results.4.In the process of campus football activities,every school builds a strong cultural atmosphere in the construction of campus football culture.They promote football knowledge through newspaper and electronic screens,design the team logo,mascot,watch the football match by forming the football exchange team of the class and strengthen the construction of football culture through various forms such as building a football honor room.The cultivation of students is not only reflected in the process of teaching,training,competition,but also in the performance that student can come into contact with all aspects of daily increasing the deep understanding of the campus football.Advice:1.In the process of campus football practice in the northern district of Xining city,it is important to focus on the increase of student's quantity and the promotion of guarantee from the perspective of student development.Schools should popularize the football,make more students play football and love football class and make a leap in the overall level of football.From the teachers' development perspective,it need to strengthen training,improve teachers' level,organize regular learning,communicate with foreign teachers,grasp advanced teaching and training ideas,and expand knowledge reserves.2.Schools should increase the propaganda of campus football culture,promote the culture atmosphere of female students playing football actively,balance the proportion of male and female students,and improve all students' participation of football.At the same time,parents can take part in the campus football public class,change ideas,and increase the chances of lower grade participating in football training.Meanwhile schools can establish and improve the security mechanism to ensure the safety and reduce the risk of movement injury in the process of training students.3.In order to ensure the students enthusiasm in the training,and encourage students to participate in the activities of the campus football,teachers should pay more attention to the teaching activities,and set up the learning situation,increase students' interest in active learning,select the teaching content,teaching methods,teaching evaluation by the depth of teaching activities.In the course of teaching activities,we should focus on the relevant contents such as humanistic care,education and social education,and pay attention to the overall development trend of the students' wisdom body.4.Regional government should increase the campus football special economic security,the laws and regulations safeguard and the social environment optimization,and build a greenhouse for the campus football development.School managers ensure the basic conditions and the configuration of the field,abide strictly by the set of security mechanism,make sure the safety of the campus football and protect the rights of students enjoying sports.Combining the traditional training method,the teachers integrate the advanced training ideas in the training course,innovate training methods,and improve the training effects.5.Football match is a reflection of person and team abilities.It contains many factors such as technology,tactics,psychology and so on.So the competition is a test of the teaching achievement.In the process of competition reform,it should improve the level of competition further,perfect competition mechanism,carry out football competitions widely,make more students show their football abilities through football matches,thus stimulating students learning motivation.At the same time,it can increase the openness of game sponsorship,infuse more and more social attention,strengthen the promotion of campus football through corporate sponsorship and promote the benign development of campus football.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xining city, the northern district, campus football, practice
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