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On American Public Diplomacy To China After The Cold War

Posted on:2017-11-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2356330482987889Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a supplement of conventional diplomacy, public diplomacy can promote exchanges and understandings among countries, build a good national image, realize foreign policies and promote the interests of the states. After World War?, America's global strategic interest is to prevent the emergence of a power or a power group in Eurasia which would shake the hegemony of America. After Cold War, China, the only socialist country, due to the increasing of its comprehensive national strength and international influence, is seen as the main ideological rival to America and a threat of potential adversaries to the global and Asia-Pacific strategic interests of the United States. In order to popularize the democracy and freedom of America, promote China into peaceful evolution, America pay more attention to the ideological and cultural penetration to China through public diplomacies. The United States not only use their own media's negative reports to China, but also secretly support and encourage some non-governmental organizations to interfere in China's internal affairs.The public diplomacy campaign of the United States to China mainly consists of three parts, namely the education and cultural exchanges which is a key project, the information activities and the international broadcasting. There are various forms of education and cultural exchange programs, such as “Fulbright Program in China”, “Ford Foundation Research Projects in China” and “Peace Corps Program” etc., they have an extensive influence on China. The international broadcasting includes voice of America and Radio Free Asia. The main information activities include internet, television, newspapers and magazines.The impact of the U.S. public diplomacy on China has two sides. On the one hand it benefits the mutual understanding between the two peoples, promotes the development of Sino-American relations and the education and cultural exchanges and cooperation and objectively cultivates talents for China, but on the other hand it damages the dominant values and ideology of Chinese society, influences image of China and security of China.Education and cultural exchanges are benefit for both China and the United States, so we should strengthen bilateral exchanges and cooperation in this respect. Against the negative effects by the U.S. public diplomacy, we should actively take measures to deal with in order to safeguard security of Chinese ideology, build a good national image of China and defend frontier stability and national security of China.
Keywords/Search Tags:After the Cold War, Public Diplomacy, America, China
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