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"Zhongwu Jiwen" Research

Posted on:2018-06-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J K ChangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330542980046Subject:Historical philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Zhong Wu Ji Wen " is a book written by Gong Mingzhi in the Southern Song Dynasty.The book's content is quite rich.From the point of view of philology,this paper studied the author,the process of writing,the version of "Zhong Wu Ji Wen" and so on.The paper also classificed its entries and explore the specific source of the historical data,and in-depth analysis of the book's historical value and literary value.This paper is divided into the following four parts of research,in order to be able to reflect the topic of this paper.The first,the writer summarizes the book's author Gong Mingzhi's life,family and friends,analyze the writing process of "Zhong Wu Ji Wen" and the "Zhong Wu Ji Wen" version of the situation analysis and inquiry,detailed lists description of the Qing Dynasty and Ming Dynasty bibliography of the book.Several people of the Gong Mingzhi's family had scholars in Suzhou,with great fame,and Gong Mingzhi's life is not in official history books,no biography.He died at the age of ninety-two in Chun Xi nine years(1182)after finishing the book in Kun Shan Huang Gu of Suzhou."Zhong Wu Ji Wen " is not popular in the Song and Yuan Dynasties,the first description of the Lu Xiong inscription for the six volume.The book's versions increased,and another book "Zhong Wu Ji Wen Zhai Yao Lu" appeared in Ming and Qing Dynasties.The second,in " Zhong Wu Ji Wen ",the largest proportion of historical materials is in the Northern Song Dynasty.The book mainly divided into three categories:characters and figures,poems and books,naming sites.The sources of " Zhong Wu Ji Wen " mainly divided into three categories:the story by listening to others,personal experience,reading income.One by one,the author examines the specific purpose of the source or related records to prove its truth.The third,the writer analyzes the historical value of " Zhong Wu Ji Wen ".The historical value of" Zhong Wu Ji Wen " is mainly reflected in three aspects:First,the " Zhong Wu Ji Wen" and"Wu Jun Zhi" can be found in the contrast,the former refers to a large number of reference materials,even "Wu Jun Zhi" in some of the items directly from the " Zhong Wu Ji Wen”,which proofed that" Zhong Wu Ji Wen" has historical value for the study of Su Zhou;Second,the book can fill a vacancy,including the lost history of literature and the lack of compensation.When Gong Mingzhi wrote the book,he also cited many literati notes,poems and articles.Some works have been lost or missing,the " Zhong Wu Ji Wen " cites can be used as collenction or supplementary information;Third,the proof of history,including historical evidence and evidence," Zhong Wu Ji Wen " can also retain many historical,comparative research,in order to correct his errors.The fourth,the writer studies the literary value of "Zhong Wu Ji Wen ",literary value of"Zhong Wu Ji Wen " is mainly reflected in two aspects:One is the ancient poems and articles in the process spread for various reasons lost or damaged," Zhong Wu Ji Wen " preserved some poems;The two is the " Zhong Wu Ji Wen " retains many historical data,also can reflect the literary phenomenon at that time,for example,Poetry of Song Dynastyin rised of playful atmosphere in late,the absurd and grotesque works can also provide reference for the later literary creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gong Mingzhi, "Zhong Wu Ji Wen", historical value, literary value
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