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Chinese Folk Lion Art Research

Posted on:2018-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X JiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330542451336Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese traditional graphic culture occupies a pivotal position in the trend of historical development.In the process of studying and learning,I find some interesting objects,taking into the convenience of systematic research,to determine the Chinese folk lion art as the main research object.According to the literature,China's earliest lions in the Eastern Han Dynasty from West Asia tribute over,and China's earliest existing lions is Shandong Jiaxiang Wu Liang Temple of the Eastern Han Dynasty lions.At this time most of the lions follow the appearance of the lion itself.With the introduction of Buddhism into China,folk lion art by the impact of Buddhist thought,grottoes also began to appear in the image of the lion.Tang Dynasty is the heyday of the development of folk lion art,this time the lion art in China has been the development of localization,in addition to the early tomb of the lion,the cave lion,lion in the murals,gatekeeper lion,gold and silver lion,big lion and little lion,dancing lion and other forms of folk lion art has gradually cut a striking figure.The introduction of Buddhism brings fresco art to China,and the image of the lion in the fresco is an important part of the Buddhist culture.The cave lion has given the people a good idea for the peace of house,and lion in the murals is one of the important members of the guard tomb;gold and silver lion is the prevalence of the Tang Dynasty decorative patterns,other devices are also reflected;" Big lion and little lion " is a traditional auspicious patterns,withthe pursuit of Lu and the pursuit of happy life.Dancing lion is not only one of the most representative folk activities and a portrayal of folk life,but also the wisdom of the ancient working people crystallization.In view of the development of folk lion art,the folk lion art gradually developed from the early single image to the different artistic styles,and embodied the folklore art gradually secularization,entertainment development trend,become an indispensable part of the traditional Chinese auspicious culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese folk lion art Form, Function, Art connotation
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