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The Creation Of The Right, The Same Way

Posted on:2018-06-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X C WangFull Text:PDF
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In the highly developed material civilization today,people pay more attention to the satisfaction of the spiritual and cultural needs while the material needs are met.Attention to the inheritance and development of their own culture,at the same time,at the expense of the environment for the economic development of the people for their own living environment and the way of life has been more in-depth thinking,people began to pay attention to the harmony and unity of the environment,the pursuit of a healthy and natural lifestyle In this context,we need to explore the development of modern packaging design in a deeper way.The concept of creation of folk arts is the crystallization of the wisdom of working people in the long-term social practice.The benefit of the public life,whether it is "the creation of the appropriate,human,physical,environmental harmony and unity," the overall concept,or its creation principle,creation form,visual expression,etc.,all of the modern packaging design of the development of great enlightenment.This article takes Mr.Zhang Daoyi's "The Cultural theory of the yuan" as the basis point,through the research predecessor to the Folk Art creation theory achievement,extracts the thought essence,carries on the analysis to the modern packing design,obtains the folk art this Yuan creation view to the modern packing design enlightenment,and carries on the research of modern packaging design method of the folk art's creation view,sums up the impetus function of the folk art Yuan creation view to the modern packaging design development: The folk Arts This creation and the modern packing design combination is advantageous in impels the modern packing design the sustainable development It is advantageous to the national element in the modern packaging design innovation application,realizes the Chinese native packing design style,is advantageous in satisfies the people's spiritual culture demand,impels the Chinese traditional culture inheritance and the innovation development.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Origin Culture, The theory of Folk Creations, Modern packaging design
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