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Ding Chuanjing's Opera Studies

Posted on:2018-04-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L D ZhouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ding Chuanjing is the literary capital of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. He has a wide range of interests, in the literary creation, calligraphy, books and other fields have achievements, the most commendable is its parallel prose, opera creation achievements. This thesis focuses on Ding Chuanjing, who is the operaist,and puts his opera creation in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, and combines his personal life experience with a comprehensive analysis to study the ideological and artistic achievements of Ding Chuanjing's opera creation.This paper is divided into three chapters.the first chapter is the study of Ding Chuanjing's life, combined with the poems of Ding Chuanjing and the genealogy and branch spectrum of Ding's in Beijing, and the analysis and research on Ding Chuanjing's life experience. The study of the school learning, the study of the activities of the poets in the later years, and the analysis of the essays written by Zhang Xun, and provided the background for the understanding of Ding Chuanjing's opera creation and the theme of the works. The second chapter mainly discusses the subjective meaning of Ding Chuanjing's opera based on the text, through the analysis of the characters of his legendary works, the processing of historical facts and the way of writing the legend, and points out that it is in the view of women's view, history and outlook on life Showing the personal characteristics and characteristics of the times. The third chapter analyzes the artistic achievements of Ding Chuanjing's opera,takes Wu Mei's "To Xiufu" as a breakthrough to study the rhythm problem in Ding Chuanjing's opera creation, and analyzes his language art and structure art, Cang Sangyan on the Peach Blossom Fan to accept, to explore its creation of the history of drama to provide a perspective.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ding Chuanjing, Cang Sangyan, Shuang Tianbi, Qi Tanguo
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