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The Default Negation Function And Teaching Problem Of The Adverb "and / Again"

Posted on:2018-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W X XiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330518469359Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper,with the presupposition negation function adverbs "Bing" and "You"as the research object,based on the existing research results,through the analysis of linguistic facts,compare their similarities and differences in the expression of negative presupposition,to study the errors students appear in the acquisition and use of these two adverbs,and analysis of the error reason,then puts forward the proposal of the two adverbs teaching.In the part of the book of reference and the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language,the usage of the adverb,which has the function of presupposition negation,is simply summed up as "to strengthen the negative tone or slightly refute the meaning".Presupposition negation belongs to pragmatic presupposition,which is characterized by specific context dependence and subjectivity.The semantic and pragmatic differences between the two adverbs of presupposition."Bing" is mainly used for anticipatory presupposition negation,and "You" is mainly used for the appropriateness of presupposition negation.In the aspect of the expression of mood,"Bing" has the function of strengthening the tone,and the "You"can not only express the tone of the strengthening,but also can be said to ease the tone,but also may have no effect on the tone.The expression in the mood,generally accepted by the academia "Bing" that has a strong negative usage of preset tone function point of view,but for "Bing" said the differences and relations between presupposition and negative usage of modal expression views.This paper analyses the relationship between the expression of presupposition,semantic relation and whether express aspects of presupposition andnegative adverb tone,that presupposition negation adverb "Bing" in parallel and causal semantic relationships in the context of a weakening tone function,and in turn the semantic relations,and expressed in the context of presupposition in the context,is to strengthen the function of tone.If presupposition does not appear explicitly in context,it has little effect on the strength of mood.These features are also reflected in the "Bing/You" table preset timing and tone word co-occurrence."You" can strengthen mood,usually only with the word "de/le"co-occurrence,"and" can also strengthen the tone and tone word "de/le" co-occurrence,said the mood can ease with "ah,ba,ni,ma".Native speakers of "Bing/You" and negative for said preset timing using frequency not obvious difference,the HSK composition corpus retrieval and interlanguage corpus of the library of JiNan University found that students in the preset frequency is much smaller than the negative function when native speakers use "Bing/You".When students use"Bing/You",the errors include the error generation,wrong order,pragmatic and negative word co-occurrence errors,the formation of these errors,both subjective factors of learners and objective factors teaching methods.Combined with the interlanguage errors and the results of the questionnaire,this paper put forward the teaching design about two adverbs,based on relevant foreign language textbooks on the analysis,we put forward some relevant teaching suggestions and teaching strategies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bing, You, pragmatic negation, error analisis, teaching design
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