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A Few Meters Of Poetic Picture Book Research

Posted on:2018-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330518463245Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ji Mi is the pioneer of the adult's picture book in China.He expands the audience of the picture book from the children to the adult,and opens up a broader performance space for the picture book.Ji Mi's picture book has been able to sweep the world in a short time,on one hand,the picture book's language and image common narrative brought new quality to the traditional pure literature,on the other hand,it's derived from the unique "poetic" features.The beauty in form of the picture book and the emotion from the true and the kindhearted in the picture book give the reader tremors and resonance.My paper explores the characteristics of Ji Mi poetic picture book,in the perspective of "poetic picture book",analyzes the unique poetic expression space of Ji Mi's picture book.On the basis of the comprehensive consideration of the picture and the text of the picture book,the author analyzes the causes of the "poetic" character of Ji Mi picture book based on the personal mentality and background of Ji Mi's creation.Think of it as a starting point,analyzes the theme which implication of the poem heart in the Ji Mi picture book,Highlighting Ji Mi's goodwill and the warmly gaze to the objective world,convey his fragrant humanistic care to the world.Finally,from the perspective of the form of picture books,consider Ji Mi picture book's poetic construction in the artistic strategy.The innocence of the perspective,unfamiliar way of communication,unique artistic conception and plot construction to develop a unique poetic performance space,showing a character of "Ji Mi style" poetic picture book.This article consists of three parts: introduction,text and conclusion.The introduction is divided into two sections,the first section clarifies what is the "poetic picture book" that is narrated together by the image and the text.Consider the unique form of picture book to clarify the characteristics of poetic picture book.The second part of the research object Ji Mi's picture book from the previous study,and put forward the innovation in this paper.The text is divided into three chapters.The first chapter explores the source of the heart of poetry in Ji Mi's picture discuss it mainly from Ji Mi's childhood experience,personal mentality,the background of the cultural atmosphere and artistic atmosphere.This chapter is divided into four sections,the first section is from Ji Mi's unique collision experience from city and village,to consider the constitution of "poetic heart" in Ji Mi's picture book,highlighting the creation impact from dual experience on Ji Mi's picture book.The second section explains the origins of the poetic picture book of Ji Mi's poetic heart: Ji Mi's advertising company's work experience and sudden illness give Ji Mi's creative process a goodwill.In the third section,based on Taiwan's "lyrical tradition",this paper explores the succession of Ji Mi's picture book creation in the "lyrical tradition".in the picture book,Ji Mi ues the symbolic,freehand and other means to create a lyrical mood environment,showing the pursuit of lyrical poetic character.He followed the pace of the times,inherited this lyrical tradition.For the atmosphere of emphasis on "lyrical cultural",promote a strong poetic character in Ji Mi's picture book.The fourth section focuses on the influence of Taiwan's multiculturalism on the "poetic" creation of Ji Mi's creation.Ji Mi's picture book draws nutrients from cultures around the world,this section I presents the construction of Ji Mi 's poetic picture book from the aspects of image composition and combination of language.The second chapter analyzes the inherent connotation of Ji Mi's poetic picture book from thespecial construction.This part is divided into three sections,the first section presents Ji Mi's unique "whisper" and philosophical speculation of Ji Mi's narration of freedom,he is not struggling or wailing,but rather gently infiltrating the desire for freedom in the perceptions of freedom.The second section describes Ji Mi's warm watch on the city's diverse feelings.Ji Mi describes a variety faces of love in the picture book,he builds an idealistic emotional world to soothe the emotional emptiness in the real world.In the third section,exploring the poeticization of Ji Mi 's Theme Implication from Ji Mi' s Unique Writing of Death.He did not deliberately to avoid this cold theme,but to alternative performance techniques to explore the meaning of life in the shadow of death,conveyed his sincere gaze with goodwill interpretation of life,showing the life of thinking from the heart of poetry.Ji Mi's poetic heart are presented from the poetic construction of these three themes.In order to achieve the "poetic dwelling" wish,he used warm writing to lead people through the dullness of life.The third chapter analyzes the poetic form of Ji Mi picture book.This chapter is divided into four sections,the first section presents the distortions and alienation of the real world under the clarity of the child's poetic.Showing the poetic world in the picture book under the childhood perspective.Section two starting from the image and language common unfamiliar performance techniques,showing the tension structure between the graphic and text.The text opens up the poetic space of the picture book,with more sexual and complex techniques.The third part explains the construction of poetic artistic conception in Ji Mi picture book from the rhythm of language,the color of image and so on.In the picture book,Ji Mi use the "sentimental" background,moderate emotional communication to build a true and kindly lyrical atmosphere.The fourth section analyzes Ji Mi's transcendence of the real world and constructs the strategy with the dream plot.Showing the Ji Mi's desire: to watch and soothe the hidden chronic illness in people's spiritual world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Research
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