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A Study Of The Mental Illness In The UK In The 17th And 19th Centuries

Posted on:2018-08-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330515990629Subject:World History
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17-9 century British,people's awareness of mental illness experienced from the religious concept of the 17 th century to the 17 th and 18 th century secular psychosis,and then to the late 18 th century and the beginning of the 19 th century by the religious and secular concepts of dual effects of psychosis these three stages of development.Different cognition affects people's attitudes and treatment of mental illness and psychiatric patients.Throughout the development of psychosis in the United Kingdom,there is always a "heterogeneous" and "sin" notion in the psychosis of British society,which alienates the psychiatric patients as an abnormal existence of human society,the alienation of interpretation also causes the British society to the psychiatric patients exclusion.Before the 17 th century,mental disorders for the British are supernatural category,people's awareness and treatment of mental illness are derived from religion.Before the 6th century,by the impact of primitive religion,mental illness is considered the result of demon possessed,when the treatment is to use a magic amulet and spell to exorcism.6-16 century,Christianity in the United Kingdom occupy the dominant position,this time the etiology is still demon possessed,but this time the "demon" is no longer the original religion of the spirits but Christianity in Satan.Religion is the main force in the treatment of mental illness,this period mainly to take psychotherapy or belief therapy,folk backward areas still take the curse of the drug treatment.16-17 century,the etiology of psychosis caused by Satan possessed the soul of the fall,evolved into Satan's conspiracy-by Satan lure caused by the spirit of moral degradation.Although the etiology of this period on the interpretation of the secular notion,but the treatment of the madman is still religious treatment,doctors are mostly priests.It can be said that before the 17 th century,the British psychosis is a religious view of religion.In the traditional psychiatric view,the identity of the madman with mysticism,become supernatural "out of phase." Psychosis is considered to be caused by the invasion of evil,but whether it is blasphemy,violation of religious creed,or spirit,moral degradation,are guilty of religious "crime." Traditional psychopathology in the "heterogeneous" and "sin" concept,are derived from religion,both homologous.17-18 century,people from a social point of view to understand mental illness,that the madman is poor,there is no ability to work,people's psychosis into thesecular level.This period of madman,first as lazy lazy,and later be regarded as "animal madman",in the explanation of the etiology of madness,orthodox medicine occupy the mainstream position,the treatment of mental illness is mainly for physiological disorders Of physical therapy.Whether it is outside the labor society "out of phase"-lazy,or human society outside the "heterogeneous"-animal madman,madmen have become a threat to the normal order of human society,a evil existence Have a "evil".People because of the pursuit of normal social order and imprisoned the madman,the madman excluded from the normal social activities,which is more to consolidate the crazy "heterogeneous" concept.It can be said that this period of crazy "heterogeneous" and "sin" concept complement each other.In the late 18 th century,people's attitude towards the madman changed,no longer the madman as a "beast",but as a patient.Because of the incompetence of the orthodox medicine in the treatment of psychosis and the influence of Christian culture on British society in the 17 th and 18 th centuries,the end of the 18 th century to the beginning of the 19 th century showed that the cognition of the cause of mental illness showed a coexistence of religion and medicine.At this point the treatment of patients not only take medical measures,but also believe that the patient can only get the kindness of God can be cured.During this period,the madman really become a member of human society,but its identity is the patient,is still the normal "heterogeneous".Mental illness because of its special disease brand and become a shame,a kind of hard to say "sin" evil.This paper examines the social psychiatric outlook in the 17 th to 19 th centuries,explores the causes of changes in psychiatric cognition,the relationship between attitudes of psychiatric patients and the practice of treatment,and the discussion of different societies The status of the mentally ill patient and the identity of the role of positioning,and related issues on their own point of view.
Keywords/Search Tags:psychosis, English, society, medicine
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