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Research On The Application Of Color Painting Of Ink Paintings On Ethnic Minorities

Posted on:2018-10-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X LingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330515984076Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
National characteristics is one of the characteristics of Chinese painting art,with the development of Chinese figure painting,for the national subject painting more and more attention,especially the national institutions,to ethnic minority areas practice has become a professional compulsory link.From the development of ink painting,the "color" of this special expression element,whether it is the process of Chinese painting reform "color ink painting",or modern urban theme ink painting in the use of color,are showing a different era Features.In the process of the development of Chinese culture,the formation of color with Chinese characteristics of the form,including the original rock paintings,pottery,murals,New Year paintings,embroidery,dyeing,etc.,a wide range of labor for thousands of years the wisdom of the crystallization of the people;Which embodies the richness,interest and expression of Chinese national color.It contains the unique charm of Chinese philosophy,national aesthetics,national emotion and culture.From the development of ink painting figures,the various forms of color in Chinese ethnic color have become an important source of reference.Such as Lin Fengmian,Pu Guochang,Tian Liming,Li Yang,Zhang Daoxing and other outstanding painters,it is to find inspiration,the formation of their own color expression,to achieve the ink painting in the color application of the breakthrough,inherited the essence of Chinese culture.It is necessary to express the characteristics of the external ethnic groups and the expression of the national emotion and spiritual connotation.The characteristics of the external ethnic groups include the image of ethnic figures,ethnic costumes,decorative patterns,color elements,etc.,where the color elements convey the unique aesthetic consciousness and emotion of ethnic minorities.The use of color to show the external characteristics of ethnic minorities and inner feelings,enrich the performance of language,an increase of the sense of the times.In the practice of creation,we find that the expression of color in the figures of ethnic minority figures is relatively fixed and monotonous.In the era of multicultural environment,the existing forms of expression can no longer meet our emotional expression,to explore new ways of color expression we must face and solve the problem.However,in this process,the integration of the use of Chinese national color when there are still some problems:the pursuit of national characteristics,the use of color elements properly;or too much to pursue the times,the formation of the wrong color concept;color language and ink language is not unified;Works of the boring,only their table,no content and so on.Therefore,in the integration of Chinese national color use,can not directly copy or simply describe the external characteristics,should be combined with their true feelings and experience,consciously absorb its essence,in-depth exploration,rational use,such works have a sense of the times and National spiritual connotation.The author in the minority theme ink painting figure painting,consciously made some attempts.These works to solve the problem of color and ink relations as the starting point,the integration of the use of national costumes,batik and other elements,combined with the practice of life and their own feelings to the performance of the creation.The infinite charm of Chinese national color,for my creation has brought inspiration,opened a new way of thinking.
Keywords/Search Tags:ink painting, color, national color, ethnic minority theme
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