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A Study Of The Relationship Between Morality And Humanity In McIntyre's Rational Animals Of Dependence

Posted on:2018-07-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330515977683Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
McIntyre believes that the failure of the moral basis of the Enlightenment has led to the crisis of moral life,and the return to Aristotle's virtue ethics tradition helps to relieve the current moral dilemma.By understanding Aristotle's and Aquinas's Thoughts on virtue,he realized that "there should be no possibility of being independent of biology".In the process of demonstrating animal nature of human,Macintyre repeatedly quoted the research the behavior and consciousness of the animal to discuss ordinary people and other intelligent species,and critical analysis of the philosophy of animal identity of human masking.He compared to people with some intelligent creatures in the world changes themselves to adapt to the similarities of the process,reiterated the characteristic and animality of person,the ethical system to "dependence" man,that man is a rational animal dependent.
Keywords/Search Tags:McIntyre, animal, dependency, virtue, happiness
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