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Macintyree Virtue Ethics And Reflection On It

Posted on:2013-05-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J MoFull Text:PDF
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Modern western ethical dilemma has been in recent years moralphilosophy to explore one of the hot spots, and to the western ethical dilemmadiscussed significance shall by no means confined to the west, under the backgroundof globalization, and ethical issues begins with the universality of more and moreobvious. Contemporary American ethicist anas dale McIntyre virtue ethics thought isoriginated from him for modern western ethical crisis and deep thought and to studyand solve the problem provides rich thought resources. Based on the analysis of thereading McIntyre virtue ethics thought basis, try to dig out its thought of rationalityand bad place, and contact the contemporary social actual do further thinking.McIntyre think, modern people in the moral life without objective impersonalmoral standards can compliance, this means that modern western society morallanguage and life practice is in deep crisis. McIntire the ethical dilemma deephistorical traces, and boldly put forward, after the enlightenment for all moralrationality argument all is all a failure of, contemporary moral language disorder andaccompanied by profound moral crisis is the enlightenment, as the direct consequenceof failure. After the criticism, McIntyre then have recalled virtue ethics developmenthistory, and focuses on justice and rationality of the development history and indifferent moral community in the specific situation, and ultimately propone savemodern western society will pursue virtue road, Renaissance traditional virtue, regainfor moral understanding that eliminate the modern moral crisis.This paper holds that McIntyre idea of critical parts are extremely strong, butstrong criticism does not mean that we will continue to stand in the critical point ofview to look at problems. McIntyre enlightenment to critical logic rigorous all linkedwith one another, but just proved from the occurrence of enlightenment to emotionalsocialist modern popular is a complete inevitable causal chain, in fact, McIntyre it isalso see the necessity, so we all the way back to enlightenment, trying to solve thefundamental problems. That is to say, no matter how the enlightenment we plan the attitude, it is already happened, and is inevitable, then the modern we have to solvethe problem on the basis of. This is probably why McIntyre did not give a concretereconstruction virtues of the cause of the path. Reality will never perfect, the reality ofproblems we often can only accept part part to solve, and even a lot of problems isonly in the basis of admitted-even if this is forced to admit-can be solved. Formoral such macroscopic problems, can play a positive way must be more than one, inMcIntyre revealed traces of traditional virtue and search for the way must haveextremely important positive significance, especially in the contemporary socialcontext.
Keywords/Search Tags:McIntyre, Virtue, Community
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