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McIntyre's Virtue View And Its Reflection

Posted on:2020-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H ChenFull Text:PDF
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Western ethicist of MacIntyre believes that the failure of the Enlightenment led to modern Western moral theory and moral practice in crisis.The crisis is mainly manifested in the impact of capitalist economic development on traditional morality.Therefore,in the face of modern moral crisis,he asked people to return to Aristotle's virtue.Based on Aristotle's virtue tradition,McIntyre presents his own views on the modern moral crisis.First of all,he believes that due to the emergence of socialization of production and the emergence of a market economy,the social life forms have undergone tremendous changes.All things and people revolve around economic production activities.The so-called rational beings and moral positions occur both in concept and practice.A huge change.In this social context,he re-examines the original definition of virtue from a historical perspective.Secondly,he associates virtue with good life,that is,from the perspective of practice,emphasizing the unity of life,not limited to the theoretical level;In the end,he believes that only tradition can continue and inherit virtues,and history can come down in one continuous line.McIntyre believes that in modern society,even if people use the perfect moral code to guide people's practical activities,if the people do not have the inherent moral quality and virtue,then the former will not have a role.The primary purpose of ethics is to achieve a "good" life and to tell people how to recognize their own lives and to cultivate their own character and virtue.It is in this sense that scholars who advocate virtue ethics believe that no matter how thorough the public transformation of modern social structure,we must clearly understand that talent is the main body of all ethical behaviors and moral meanings,and individuals are only unique.The social structure is good in cultural traditions.Therefore,virtue ethics is the most fundamental premise.As a important thought in the history of Western ethics,McIntyre'svirtue ethics is integrated into the essence of Aristotle's ethical thought on the basis of criticizing and reflecting on contemporary Western moral philosophy.He believes that no matter which one is already believed by people The unquestioned modern rule ethics,or all kinds of emotional ethics,or contemporary liberal ethics,have completely failed like the entire Enlightenment.The only way out is to seek answers to traditional virtue ethics.This is the core point that McIntyre puts forward in his book Pursuing Virtue.McIntyre's attempt to solve the modern moral predicament has many debatable places.This kind of rescue plan may not work in the actual postgraduate examination,but McIntyre has its theoretical value in the criticism of modernity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Virtue, practice, Unity, Traditional, Moral construction
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