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The Study Of The Political Monument In The Tang Dynasty

Posted on:2017-12-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330512969505Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Dezhengbei is built by the ancient Chinese rulers according to the wishes of ordinary people, which as a mean of rewarding and encouraging officers, especially the local officials. After a long period of development, Dezhengbei becomes an important carrier that guides the local officials'moralities and behaviors, also, becomes an important part of bureaucratic culture of ancient China. The ancient Chinese bureaucratic system is perfect in Tang Dynasty, meanwhile, the form and management of Dezhengbei grow mature. Based on the formation and management of Dezhengbei, the government of Tang Dynasty praised the official's morality and achievements, and established a model for the administrative officials in order to give the officials great honor and encouragement. The government of Tang Dynasty focused on publicizing edicts of central government and requirements to the officials, to convey the Dezheng concept to the grass-roots by forming Dezhengbei. It has a significant influence on politics of Tang Dynasty and later generations. Previous studies have less attention to this problem mentioned above. The thesis draws up the formation, contents, function and the influence of Dezhengbei in Tang Dynasty, carries on the comprehensive discussion, in an attempt to receive a clear understanding of the formation of Dezhengbei in Tang Dynasty.Addition to the introduction and conclusion, the thesis divides into four parts, the primary coverage is as follows:In the first chapter, the reasons of the establishment of Dezhengbei are discussed. From the perspective of history, based on the shift of Dezhengbei's character in Wei Jin Nan Bei Dynasty, the central government's attention and transformation to Dezhengbei lay the foundations for its establishment in Tang Dynasty. In terms of the reality of Tang Dynasty, the vast appearance of Dezhengbei is called for the improvement of officials and political culture. Varieties of factors promote the establishment of Dezhengbei in Tang Dynasty.In the second chapter, the establishment and management of Dezhengbei are explained. In Tang Dynasty, the most owners of Dezhengbei have outstanding achievements in the local officials. According to the regulations of Dezhengbei set by rulers in Tang Dynasty, writers of Dezhengbei are divided into two categories:the famous writers who are invited by the relevant people or the owner of steles, or the dispatched Men Xia Shi Lang and Li Bu Shi Lang whom as assistant ministers of emperors. Engraving of Dezhengbei is completed by the local. Setting process and sites of Dezhengbei are very exquisite due to its strong publicity. Setting of Dezhengbei has two types:official and private, among which the official is the most. However, most of the private are illegal. Tang Dynasty rulers made a strict management and formed the legal provisions, in order to bring the management of Dezhengbei into the administration system.In the third chapter, shapes and contents of Dezhengbei in Tang Dynasty are descripted. Dezhengbei has grown matured in Tang Dynasty and formed a fixed pattern of shapes, writing styles, the types of writing and decoration. Political achievement, deeds records, virtues extolling and memory expressing are made up of contents of Dezhengbei. In addition, it also emphasized that officials should have moralities of the Confucian, and expressed the missing to the successive officials and expectations of the just political systems.In the fourth chapter, the significance and implication of Dezhengbei are analyzed. Dezhengbei plays an important role of edification of the masses and improvement of administration of officials. By setting good examples, the rulers have an intention to guide and regulate behaviors of local officials and political morality as well as publicizing the official concept of Dezheng. Dezhengbei plays different parts in different periods of Tang Dynasty. Changes in politics and attitudes the royal government to the local can be seen clearly through the analysis of objects and content of Dezhengbei in Tang Dynasty. Forms and contents of Dezhengbei have the great influence on the later. Moreover, the management of Dezhengbei in Tang Dynasty has a significant impact and is inherited by the later generations. The thesis brings new ideas. Firstly, Dezhengbei is regarded as a type of management of officials in Tang Dynasty, and is compared with the tombstone and epitaph. Secondly, the form, content, significance and implication of Dezhengbei in Tang Dynasty are discussed systematically. Thirdly, the influence brought by political situation on Dezhengbei in Tang Dynasty is analyzed, especially through the analysis of problems coming from the management of Dezhengbei by rulers. Fourthly, the concept of Dezheng of Tang's people by generalizing the content of Dezhengbei is summarized. Dezhengbei plays a positive and important role in the ways and construction of management of officials in Tang Dynasty. It reflects management of officials and political situation of the local. The records of management practice and means of local officials have given inspiration to current administrational construction which should be realized and summarized. Because of the limited capability of the author, status and roles of Dezhengbei in Tang Dynasty need further studies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tang Dynasty, Dezhengbei, Administration of Officials, The Concept of Dezheng
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