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Xue Yu's Poetry Research

Posted on:2017-12-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Z YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330491456227Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a neo-confucianist in the Ming Dynasty, Xue Xuan's poetry presented great uniqueness. His poetry is the transition from TaiGeTi to ChaLingPai. The main research of this paper is the poetry of Xue Xuan. The main research of Xue Xuan's poetry are the differences between Xue Xuan's poetry and TaiGeTi. This paper has four chapters. The first chapter focuses on the textual research of Xue Xuan's friends. And the first chapter focuses on the textual research of the creation time of Xue Xuan's poems. The second chapter, Xue Xuan's poems are compared with TaiGeTi. The main research of the second chapter are the differences between Xue Xuan's poetry and TaiGeTi. The main research of the third chapter are the poetry theory of Xue Xuan. The main research of the fourth chapter is the relation between Xue Xuan's poetry and Xue Xuan's philosophical ideas. Then on the base of these, this paper also studies the relation between the social circumstances and Xue Xuan's creation mentality,and studies the relation between Xue Xuan's creation mentality and Xue Xuan's poetry.
Keywords/Search Tags:XueXuan, TaiGeTi, neo-confucian, poem
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