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The Spirit Of Zhu Zi's Poems

Posted on:2012-07-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330332990856Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zhu Zi is not only a scholar of Neo-Confucianism, but also an excellent poet.In his whole life,he composed more than one thousand poems. These poems revealed his inside world, from which we can see his life story, his character of divinity and his cultural mentality, such as Shu Jing-nan said. So it is meaningful and valuable to expound Zhu Zi's poems from this angle of view.In the introduction, we will give a brief introduction of the verse creates of Zhu Zi, and a survey of the study on Zhu Zi's poems.In chapter one, we will discuss the spiritual convert of Zhu Zi from a Buddhist to a Confucian. The Confucianism became a tool of political indoctrination since the emperor Han Wu Di praised it highly, and had little relevance to man's spiritual life. Thus the Buddhism had been the spiritual belief of Chinese people for centuries. The Neo-Confucianism emerged under the challenges and influences of the Buddhism in Song dynasty. Zhu Zi's convert is not only his own progress, but also reflected the siautiong of the Confucianism and the Buddhism. The reinstatement of Confucian mentality made the change from individual standard ultimate concern to group standard ultimate concern.In chapter two, we mainly describe Zhu Zi's political concern. Chinese scholars generally had a political logos complex, that's because the Confucianism is a group standard ultimate concern. For the Confucianism, the ultimate value must be realized in reality, and the politics is just such a kind of way to realize this value in this world. On the contrary, the Buddhism can't realize the ultimate value in the reality world.In chapter three ,we mainly describe Zhu Zi's hermit complex. Although the care and intervention to political reality of Zhu Zi was very strong, but meanwhile, hermit life was full of strong attraction to him. Intervention to social reality was the way of taking the responsibility of the mankind, although this also involved the settle of individual life, but the care for individual and for the mankind was not completely coincide. There was often contradictory between the individual life and political concern , hermit was the effective method to dissolve this contradiction.The epilog is a summarize of the main part of the paper, gives a brief description of the core of Zhu Zi's academic and social and individual care.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhu Zi, poem, convert from a Buddhist to a Confucian., political concern, hermit complex
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