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Research And Discussion On The Payment Standard Of Chinese Patent Medicine Medical Insurance

Posted on:2018-10-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2354330515491962Subject:Chinese materia medica
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present,Chinese current government pricingunder the three control policies,centralized bidding and procurement,hospital drug addition control,there have been "drug prices are high" "difficult to see a doctor,so expensive,cheap drug can't win the bidding".May 2015,the National Development and Reform Commission and other seven ministries issued "on the issuance of drug prices to promote the views of the notice",decided"from June 1 to cancel the vast majority of drug government pricing......the actual transaction price of drugs mainly formed by the market competition." At the same time the document pointed out that "medicare fund to pay the drug,by the health insurance department in conjunction with the relevant departments todevelop medical insurance payment explore the establishment of a reasonable mechanism to guide the formation of drug prices." "Drug payment standards" concept and branch price policy theory and practical experience mainly from the implementation of social health insurance system of Germany,Japan,China Taiwan and other countries and regions.They take "health insurance payment standards" as the core of drug price management,in line with the inherent logic of its medical system,since the public health insurance system led to changes in the nature and behavior of drug demand side,drug price management should pay the price of health insurance as the core,through reimbursement policy,to constrain the formation of drug prices,so that both protect the effective operation of the public health insurance system,but not too much to suppress the vitality of the industry.Chinese drug payment standardsincluding the use of medical insurance directory of all medicine,butcompare with the use of Western medicine,there are differences between the use of principles,clinical indications,composition of the party,the source of different sources,how to fully consider the specificity of proprietary traditional Chinese medicine to develop a reasonable of the payment of prospective and late supporting policies worthy of further exploration.Although foreign advanced theory and experience shows that the drug price reference system is currently recognized as the most reasonable,most widely used,more mature,but some of the theory can not be fully applied to the Chinese medicine which guidancedof traditional Chinese medicine theory,multi-component and chemical composition is not entirely clear proprietary.How to learn from foreign countries and Taiwan relatively mature payment system of its theoretical mechanism and practical experience of Chinese pharmaceutical market accounted for about 19%of the share of traditional Chinese medicine to pay,whether it is suitable for traditional Chinese medicine market situation,whether from other countries and advanced regional policy theory and experience to find a satisfactory answer,are worthy of attention and thinking.In this paper,through study the main differences between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine,learn from foreign drug price payment system and advanced regional drug payment standards on traditional Chinese medicine payment standards and supporting policies to explore,while inheriting traditional Chinese medicine quality standards and clinical use characteristics,research it is of great significance to promote the standardization of traditional Chinese medicine,and it is also related to the vital interests of the insured patients,which is beneficial to the improvement of medical insurance.It is of great significance to promote the quality standard of traditional Chinese medicine.Drug standardization management,and then promote Chinese health insurance drug price policy reform more scientific and in line with Chinese actual pharmaceutical market situation.
Keywords/Search Tags:intermational experience, adjustmentmechanism, proprietary Chinese medicine, payment standard
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