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Dispel The Individuality Of The Decoration

Posted on:2019-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2351330548960342Subject:Art and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In present modern-day society,plastic surgery has become a daily routine.The number of cosmetic surgery in China is growing at a rate of 200%per year.Cosmetic surgery offers beauty,most commonly a stereo-typical "plastic surgery face.”This stereo-typical "plastic surgery face" in China consists of very particular features such as a V shaped face,big eyes,a high nose bridge,a full forehead and cheeks.This kind of"plastic surgery face" is spreading.This manufactured image takes the place of the original face,eliminating the inborn features and identity of the cosmetic surgery user.With the soaring number of plastic surgeries,this topic has become an increasingly important phenomenon.By analyzing the plastic surgery phenomenon,this article ask questions about the relationship between body and cosmetic techniques.By examining this topic in the context of contemporary art,the language of plastic surgery will be compared with the language of jewelry.Why is it that these molded faces have much more charm than the natural face?What is the meaning of body for us?Do we really have the right to transform our body according to our own wishes?Cosmetic surgery and jewelry have similar attributes,they are both techniques used to decorate our bodies or faces.The desire of have a facelift or wearing jewelry is not as simple as it seems.From societal culture to psychological factors,behind the pursuit of beauty,there are still a lot of issues worth investigating.The point of this article is to make a transboundary consideration across cosmetic surgery and jewelry.As the plastic surgery phenomenon discussed in this article has occurred within the last ten years,it belongs to a new phenomenon in the field of academic research,and there is almost no special treatise.However,the content of plastic surgery is found in the chapters of the partial thesis on the topics of body study,consumer society and popular culture.Although the space is small,it helps to put the research object into a holistic theoretical system.In the field of artistic practice,cosmetic surgery is not a new topic,many artists have used plastic surgery as an inspiration for their work or a focal point of their work.In this case,the arguments of the thesis will be obtained from both theoretical and artistic practice.The full text is divided into four chapters:The first chapter expounds the popular social conditions and cultural background of plastic surgery and points out the phenomenon of cosmetic plastic surgery.The second chapter illustrates how people view plastic surgery,how to understand the body,how to use the right to remold the body and reasons for the need for cosmetic surgery.The third chapter widen the field of view,through different national culture to enumerate some jewelry that have the function of change people's physiognomy.The fourth chapter uses the works of several artists as examples to analyze plastic surgery through the perspective of artistic practice.The fifth chapter discusses how to express feelings about cosmetic surgery through the language of jewelry,which is the theoretical support of the author's artwork.
Keywords/Search Tags:Plastic Surgery, Ornamental, body, Identity, Contemporary Jewelry
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