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Research On The Strategy Of Panyong Congou Tea Brand Improvement

Posted on:2017-08-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330512461760Subject:Agricultural Extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Agricultural branding not only is an important target for the 13 th five-year plan but also is the key point to promote agricultural modernization. Fu'an is located in the southeastern coastal provinces of Fujian. It is a tea-growing area with a long history and also th e origin of a well-known tea, called Panyong Congou. After years of key development, Congou sales increased rapidly. Moreover, Fu'a n has became a tea speculation with an area of more than 300 tho usand acres, the annual output of more than 20 thousand tons of te a and the staffof more than 400 thousand. Panyong Congou Tea ret urned to the stage of worldwide tea. From its history of brand buil ding, it has gained certain achievements, as well as facing some pr oblems to be solved. Therefore, how to upgrade the brand is beco ming the focus of social concern.This study is divided into six chapters. The first chapter mainl y introduces the research background, research significance, research content, research methods and technical routes, and reviews the rel evant literature at home and abroad. The second chapter mainly talk s about the concept and the theoretical basis of the related research. The third chapter summarizes the brand construction effects from the following five different aspects:the adjustment of industrial stru cture, production technology system, marketing network, brand prom otion effect and industrial capital strength after the review of the P anyong Congou Tea source. At the same time, this chapter also indi cates the exiting problems of the Panyong Congou Tea from the fol lowing five different views:the influence of the brand, brand, bran d marketing efforts the brand culture construction and its quality su pervision. The fourth chapter is the key chapter of this study, it an alysis the influence of model SWOT-CLPV to the brand promotion. In the fifth chapter, it will put forward the overall ideas and speci fic strategies of the brand promotion on the basis of summing up t he conclusions above. The sixth chapter points out the limitations o f this study and the prospects for future research of the brand pro motion strategy.There are two main conclusions of this study. First, to promote the Fu'an Panyong Congou Tea brand must adhere to these princip les:make a scientific plan to lead locals to wealth, transfer toward a market oriented economy according to local conditions, give impe tus to transformation and upgrading by scientific and technological i nnovation, excavate culture connotation and improve its levels and f ocus on integrated and coordinated development. Second, the promo tion of Fu'an Panyong Congou Tea must through the following six different levels to be achieved from the specific strategy. Those lev els are:strengthen brand through the integration of resources, think highly of talent andoffer technical support, promote the implementati on of the hopeful project, improve production quality, construct a n ew marketing network and get a good know of tea culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fuan Panyong Congou Tea, Brand Promotion, Specific Strategys, SWOT-CLPV Model
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