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A Study On Purchasing Management Research Of Quanzhou A Clothing Company

Posted on:2016-05-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q L ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330509459070Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Quanzhou is one of the private enterprise s in China's most developed regions, is China's major garment production base, and created a num ber of well-known clothing brands, and in Quanzhou gathered a large number of garment manufacturers. After years of developm ent, Quanzhou clot hing enterprises in three areas of the clothing more prom inent, appear in Anta, XTEP, 361°, PEAK, m ainly of well-known brands in the field of sports apparel, in the m en's field, appear in Septwolves, Lilanz, Joeone mainly of well-known brands in the field of children's clothing, children' s clothing a ppeared to Dadida, MOMOCO, Jam pear, ABC children's clothing and other m ainly national brands. Quanzhou area of garment enterprises have registered thousands of companies in the prosperity of the domestic market and export clothing and other aspects have m ade a significant contribution, so keep their long-term development for countries and companies have a significant impact.Now, with the deepening of refor m and opening up, continue to affect the global marketization, a growing number of world-class competitors from home and abroad began to e merge. A large number of competitors and optional objects allows customers to conditional pursuit of better quality, faster delivery, lower prices, but to meet the individual needs of their products or services.Quanzhou clothing enterprises competitiven ess due to the general facing "labor shortage" caused by rising personnel costs, material costs, supply chain management caused by other reasons behind the declining performance of the enterprise market has been greatly affected.It is for this reason, this article th rough the garm ent enterprises in Q uanzhou actual inspection, com bined with advanced supply chai n management theory and purchasing management theory, the current status of Quanzhou clothing enterprises to analyze the reasons attributed to their problems, and put forward a relatively reasonable optimization strategy, Quanzhou clothing enterprises to im plement reasonable and ef fective supply chain management, out of the s upply chain management and procurement management misunderstanding, improve the level of supply chain m anagement and procurement m anagement, to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises to make efforts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Supply chain, Supply Chain Management, Purchasing management
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