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On The Agricultural Industrialization By Informatization In Henan

Posted on:2017-05-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330491456525Subject:Agricultural Science and Technology Organization and services
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of economic level,"three rural" issues are becoming ever more prominent,lack of motivation in agricultural production,bottleneck in the development of rural,urgent need to improve the income of farmers.while the "three rural" problem also restricts the development of other industries,agriculture as other basic industries,is an urgent problem of how to achieve its industrial development.In recent years,along with the modern science changing quickly,information technology is widely used in various fields of agricultural production,it has become an important factor of production of agricultural production,Informatization is injecting fresh energy to the agriculture of this ancient,indicating the direction for the industrialization of agriculture.National policy supports highly the development of agricultural industrialization.The central committee of CPC and the State Council print and distribute "Opinions on the implementation of the development of new ideas to accelerate agricultural modernization to achieve a comprehensive well-off goal".It promoted the "Internet +" development of modern agriculture,full use of modern information technology to promote the upgrading of industrial agriculture.Agriculture is the foundation of the "four modernizations" construction,directly impacting the completion of a well-off society,it must go all out to implement agricultural informatization construction,informatization stimulates development of agricultural industrialization,increases farmers' income,improves rural living environment,completes building a new socialist countryside.At present,it is successful on the agricultural industrialization in Henan province.agricultural industry clusters booming,information technology has been widely used in agricultural that agricultural industrialization obtain long-term development.However,due to a late start,there are still uneven development,not enough emphasis in some areas and other issues.By studying Information Technology in Henan agricultural industrialization cluster,summarized its development model and its characteristics,some observations on the Henan Agricultural Industrialization Development.This paper is divided into four parts to the Lord writing:The first part: describes the basic concepts of informatization and industrialization of agriculture,informatization and agricultural industrialization characteristics and relationships,as well as information on the development of agricultural industrialization significance.Discussion to achieve the smooth development of agricultural industrialization through informatization.Part ?: Application of Information Technology research and analysis by the industrialization of agriculture in Henan cluster use,summarized its development model and the problems in the development process,while the industrialization of agriculture clusters with a focus on the characteristics of the analysis.Part ?: Major foreign informatization in agricultural production application of a systematic presentation analysis.This section lists a large number of domestic and foreign informatization success stories agriculture and advanced information technology to provide reference for the development of agricultural industrialization in Henan.Part ?: Application of information technology for development of agricultural industrialization in Henan problems raised capital investment,personnel training,improve the market,the development of regulations countermeasures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Industrialization, Agricultural Information, Agricultural Industrialization
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