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Research On Comprehensive Pricing Mechanism Based On D Commercial Bank

Posted on:2015-11-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F C PengFull Text:PDF
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Interest marketization is an important part of the construction of capital market for our country. The reform of the interest rate have kept developing since1996, when the inter-bank lending market started to open up. And what is more, in October 2013, the Central Bank launch the Loan Prime Rate(LPR) system, which mean another significant progress to the reform of the interest. The commercial bank, as the main participant of the capital market, have to accept the changing business environment with facing more and more challenges and shock.For a long time, the market rate of our country are tightly controlled, the commercial banks seldom make research on the load pricing model automatically, the method that they used are usually very simple. The interest rate marketization will provide the financial institutions with more autonomy, at the same time, it is also a chance to test ability the commercial banks demonstrate in load pricing. Under this back ground, it is urgent for the commercial Banks to improve their ability in loan pricing.D Banks is a large domestic commercial Banks, and have been providing financial service for the fundamental construction for our country or district. Due to the particularity of its business, there exist some potential problems in its load pricing system. Therefore, this paper chooses it as the research object. By comparing the most popular pricing models which are usually used to confirm the price for the loads and combining the problem that existed in the load pricing method of the D Bank, It will formulate a new load pricing model, which is usually called as “comprehensive load pricing system”First of all, this thesis summarizes the basic theories of loan pricing and introduces some common pricing models, and find out the influencing factors. Then, it will analyze the problems that exist in the D bank, including the management mechanism and the load pricing model. And the next step is to formulate a suitable model for the D bank, which based on the theory of the pricing and what I have obtain when I work in that bank, besides, the thesis will put forward some suggestion in completing the research; Finally, this thesis analyze the insufficiency of the model and forecast the research that will make in the future.Above all, the Interest Marketization provide the commercial bank with challenges as well as opportunities, the D bank should make good use of the chance and explore a suitable pricing model continuously, so that,when it provide financial support for the national infrastructure, it can also improve its business performance and achieve sustainable development...
Keywords/Search Tags:Interest rate marketization, Interest rate pricing, Commercial bank, Comprehensive pricing
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