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The Deficiency Of Portry

Posted on:2019-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z G WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
3D animation is gradually developing a popular art form in the cultural industry.However,at this stage,the three-dimensional animation industry in China,whether the product quality or the market scale,has a big gap from the animation power.From the comparison between the mainstream 3d animation products and traditional two-dimensional animation or traditional Chinese art,it is not difficult to find that the aesthetic of Chinese 3D animation products is monotonous.In our country,most of the 3D animations are biased toward the realistic,compared with the excellent 2D animation,as if they put the pictures into the art exhibition.And the animation content is mostly to young children,good content products are rare.Therefore,through the development of the background of China's 3D animation,3D animation production mechanism,in-depth study of animation practitioners education background and other objective factors,has been China's 3D animation artistic aesthetic reason and lack,lack of status,and put forward some suggestions for future development of China's animation 3D.
Keywords/Search Tags:Virtual reality, 3D animation, portry
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