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Design And Implementation Of IOS Mall Client Optimization Solution

Posted on:2019-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330545484477Subject:Information and Communication Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the practice of the actual online shopping mall project,this paper studies and analyzes some problems that the online shopping mall encountered during the iterative development of the business.The traditional MVC(Model View Controller)model clearly divides the engineering structure hierarchically.However,with the continuous expansion of functions,the Controller layer in the MVC model becomes very bloated and difficult to maintain and reuse.For the MVC pattern problems,there are currently MVP(Model View Presenter),VIPER,MVVM(Model View ViewModel)and other better technical solutions.Based on the original MVC pattern,the MVVM pattern evolves into a ViewModel layer and a bidirectional binding mechanism,which solves the problem of confusion in the Controller layer.This paper introduces the ReactiveCocoa programming framework,which blend with MVVM mode perfectly.Finally solved the engineering project with the business iterative development resulting in irrational structure,but also referencing the MVVM pattern between different pages of the control logic is more conducive to the maintenance and expansion of the project.One of the characteristics of the online mall application is that a large number of different types of products need to be displayed.The current solution to the maturity of optimizing slippage performance is to calculate the height during the idle phase of Runloop and then optimize it using the cache height during sliding.This scheme can raise the FPS to 56Hz under some complicated scenes.However,in order to achieve the effect of no frame dropping in the sliding process and to improve the FPS to 60Hz,a new performance optimization solution is required.The complexity of the page layout logic may cause the problem of frame dropping caused when sliding up and down.AutoLayout algorithm is very convenient to adapt different screen.Compared with the Frame layout algorithm,there is a very large loss on the sliding performance.This paper compares the AutoLayout and Frame layout algorithm,and enumerates some factors that need to be considered in the optimization of sliding performance,then targets to propose a specific solution,making the FPS rose from 37Hz to 60Hz which is better than the Runloop technology program.fter this article to adjust the timing of loading network data,compared to the previous browse the data and then loaded way,the dynamic preloading method used in this article can provide a better sliding optimization experience.Due to App Store audit cycle reasons,resulting in iOS applications can not correct online problems or promote operational activities.The current hot fix is the script patch to upgrade,but the drawback is that the conversion process between the scripting language and the native language consumes a large performance.This article based on the promotion of dynamic library for Apple,the use of dynamic library delivery way to make online mall applications with thermal updates and hot fixes.Compared with the script patch to upgrade and repair,dynamic library hot repair program execution efficiency in the program have a better performance.After this paper,the hot repair will result in a higher delay in the application start-up study summarizes the different repair strategies in the repair of the problem can reduce the user start the application waiting time.Similarly,because the online mall application page logic is more complicated.The traditional way of specifying the static page jump causes the coupling between different modules,and makes the engineering structure difficult to maintain confusion,even large amounts of static files can affect the efficiency of program compilation links.Because the specified static page jump is the default use of client programming,the current solution to the problem that the page jumping logic is more complex is to use hybrid technology to embed the front page into the client project,so that the application has better dynamic property,but the program is also very obvious disadvantages,is the application of the overall interactive experience as native application friendly.Based on the principle of runtime,this paper analyzes the message forwarding of Objective-C in the runtime environment,and uses the runtime frameword to design a set of dynamic page jump technology,which solves the problems caused by the existing static page jump.
Keywords/Search Tags:mall, ReactiveCocoa, siliding performance optimization, hot fix, dynamic page jum
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