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Telecom Major Group Clients Billing Rater System Design And Implementation

Posted on:2017-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330542478873Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the deep telecom industry reform,more and more new entrants including virtual operators and private capital have participated in the market competition of telecom industry.The more market-oriented telecom industry become,the more tense market competition become.According to market segmentation,a new branch focusing on government enterprises was founded in a telecom company.The BOSS system of the government enterprises branch needs detailed planning to refine and support new billing modes and delivering customized service to major customers as well to meet the changing market demand.Based on telecom system billing rater way and method,the study compares the traditional telecom billing system and the system of major group clients.The traditional system deals with a large amount of business from different individual users frequently,but the average usage of single user is not a huge number from a dozen times to dozens of times.While the system dealing with major group clients,the number of system users is limited but the system usage rate is really high.Based on a huge number of usage,the major group client system summarizes the whole amount of single usage first and conducts the pricing computation later.Comparing to traditional billing engine,the new billing engine applies Oracle,UML,OOD and uses C++ language to achieve the design and development of new billing engine.Adapting to the target major group clients,the design of the billing engine is updated accordingly,with the rules of the expression,with service and event implementation of telecom billing rater engine system,and in the system,according to the characteristics of big customer business respectively achieve large scale data accumulated;And the cumulative amount of iteration cost calculation and big customers to order products prices instantiation of new billing rater engine.
Keywords/Search Tags:Convergent Billing System, Rater Engine, The Cumulative Amount Billing, Rates Instantiation Rater System
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