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Design Of E-Voting Scheme Based On Fully Homomorphic Encryption

Posted on:2018-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330536968691Subject:Master of Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the support of the information security technology and computer network technology,electronic voting has become a way of political and recreational activities for public opinion statistics,reflecting the fairness of the activities and an important means of democracy.However,most of the current electronic voting exist some deficiencies,for example the ballot anonymity,verifiability and integrity.Bribery,canvassing and other issues are still more common,and which has great affect on the fairness of voting activities.Aiming at the problem of security and efficiency of voting,this paper designs an electronic voting scheme with anonymity,verifiability and efficiency by using fully homomorphic encryption and digital signature technology.The main results of this paper are summarized as follows:?Based on the practical application of electronic voting,this paper analyzes the characteristics of electronic voting scheme,and introduces the fully homomorphic encryption technology to guarantee the anonymity of ballot papers to the maximum extent,and uses digital signature technology to guarantee the voters' legitimacy,the integrity of the ballot paper information and the verifiable verdict of votes.Finally,this thesis completes the overall scheme of electronic voting.?The security of the electronic voting scheme mainly depends on the security of the fully homomorphic encryption algorithm.The fully homomorphic encryption is studied from three aspects: the basic definition,the performance realization and the application.This thesis designs a homomorphic encryption based on the RLWE problem,and validates the homomorphism scheme based on HElib homomorphic algorithm library.At the same time,it is compared with other homomorphic encryption schemes.The results show that the fully homomorphic encryption based on the RLWE problem can effectively solve the anonymity problem of the electronic voting scheme and meet the anticipated objectives requirements of the voting scheme design.?According to the design goal of the electronic voting scheme,the specific flow of the electronic voting scheme is elaborated from the four stages of initialization,registration and voting,counting and verification,according to the fully homomorphic encryption algorithm based on the RLWE problem and the RSA digital signature technology.And this thesis analyzes the characteristics of the voting scheme,showing that the voting scheme has good anonymity,verifiability and strong safety characteristics.In this paper,the problem of voting security is soved by the electronic voting scheme based on FHE.The team validates the scheme in a certain network environment.The experimental results show that the voting scheme solves the anonymity,completeness and verifiability of voting,which ensures the security of the program and satisfies the performance requirements,and reaches the anticipated objectives.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fully Homomorphic Encryption, Digital Signature, E-voting, Anonymity
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