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Design And Implementaton Of Auto Industrial Engineerig Company Integrated Management System

Posted on:2017-03-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G W ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330521451127Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the expanding application of computer technology and the Internet,as a human activity information records,the vehicle type and information record form also has undergone earth-shaking changes.Auto industrial engineering company,integrated management is no longer only exist in the form of a single,the informationization of auto industrial engineering company,integrated management system arises at the historic moment,as a new type of management style is gradually replace the traditional automobile industry engineering company integrated management.With networking,the advent of the era of globalization and information technology,information technology to automobile industry engineering company comprehensive management work has brought a series of challenges.First of all,in the work of the past,the enterprise is through the manual way to supervise and control the working process,secondly,in the process of management did not form a scientific and complete management system,how to improve the efficiency of auto industrial engineering company,integrated management,efficiency and effect become a problem many enterprises need to attach importance to.The deepening of the information technology,makes the enterprise demand for information technology deepened,the main reason is the informationization management mode can fully realize the value of auto industrial engineering company,integrated management,integration of existing project resources and effective data mining.So more and more automobile industrial engineering company are seeking a professional integrated management system to alleviate these problems.In this paper,combined with the reality of auto industrial engineering enterprise management requirements,designs and realizes auto industrial engineering company integrated management system.Paper introduces the basic principle of the system and its system structure,this paper discusses the auto industrial engineering company,design level framework and structure characteristics of the integrated management system.In the J2EE platform,including project management function module was realized using the method of Struts,file management module,drawing management and platform child function module,configuration management,etc.Test results show that the automobile industry engineering company integrated management system to meet the demand for functionality,scalability and maintainability,the system can help the auto industry engineering company management informatization and routing.
Keywords/Search Tags:information management system, integrated management, J2EE
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