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Design And Implementation Of Hotel Settlement System Based On B/S Architecture

Posted on:2018-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y ChenFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of Internet technology,more and more industries are beginning to focus on the application of computer and Internet technology.Hotel industry's traditional way of management has not meet the needs of the society.The hotel industry has also been gradually explore how to use computer technology to improve the efficiency of management and sales mode,from the beginning of the development of hotel information management system,to the hotel online booking system,to the OTA(Online Travel Agent)Company,the computer technology is bring a revolution to hotel industry.OTA company supplier for each hotel suppliers a good online booking platform,saves the cost of the development of their own online booking system,improve the management efficiency of the hotel suppliers.For consumers,OTA company's hotel online booking platform eliminate the information asymmetry,and make hotel reservation is no longer a problem.The domestic and foreign OTA companies will charge the hotel suppliers commission of the bill,in order to accurately complete settlement between OTA company and hotel suppliers,with a good design,strong expansibility,function perfect settlement system is indispensable.In this thesis,first of all understand the present situation and the existing business of company current settlement work.Behind the demand analysis,designed a three layer hotel settlement system based on B/S architecture.Based on the company's existing technical architecture,as well as the demand analysis,this thesis complete technology selection of this hotel settlement system.This thesis implemented the hotel settlement system use java language as main development language on the server side;Using My SQL as database;Using RPC(Remote Procedure Call)framework Duboo and HTTP as the interactive way with other system;Use non-relational databse Redis to improve system efficiency;In order to ensure a high availability,the system adopted a distributed architecture,and use the Nginx for load balance.This thesis design the hotel settlement system into serveral function module,and provides a detailed explanation of the designing and implement of some modules,include the supplier information module,the commission rules module,the cash payment bill module,the invoice apply module,the report module.In the implementation phase of the system,this thesis also use lightweight Java EE development framework of Spring,Spring MVC,My Batis,etc,in order to reduce some repetitive work in coding.After implementation phase,this thesis also make a fully function and performance test for the hotel settlement system.In the phase of system test,find some bugs and repair.The hotel settlement system put into use in the company's actual production environment.According to the actual operation of the system,the hotel settlement system implemented by this thesis can well meet the demand of the company's settlement business.The system put into use,greatly improve the efficiency of the company's settlement,and help the company saving a lot of human resources.This system also improve the accuracy of the settlement work.This thesis completed the expectations.
Keywords/Search Tags:hotel settlement, B/S architecture, MySQL, Spring, distributed architecture
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