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Research On The Scheme Designed For Heilongjiang Telecom NGN Testing Network

Posted on:2015-09-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A L PangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of market and technology, telecommunication operators are faced with an embarrassment. On one hand, data service is replacing voice to become the main service of future networks; on the other hand,more than 80% earning is from voice service.Hence,the next generation network based on softswitch technology has emerged to address these business challenges. It will guarantee carriers to acquire current voice revenue as well as market share of multimedia service in the future.The main contents of this paper are:1. Analyzed the background of Next Generation Network, introduced the internal and external current research for Next Generation Network and Softswitch and the objective and significance of the research.2. Introduced the concept and architecture, the characteristics of technology and main technology of Next Generation Network, studied the developing process from existing networks to Next Generation Network, discussed the developing process from PSTN, mobile network, internet, access network, transport network to Next Generation Network independently3. Discussed Softswitch, including concepts, architecture and key protocols, analyzed the capabilities of access and service, and network management and technology superiority,emphasized on services and applications,offered the convergent evolving strategy of interworking between Softswitch and existing networks.4. Introduced the program designed for Heilongjiang telecom NGN testing network project, including the scheme of routing organization, across private network, QoS,bandwidth, charging, network management, synchronization, etc, the planning of user numbering, IP address distribution, signaling point code, etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:NGN, Softswitch, evolvement, interconnected networks, testing network
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