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The Design And Implementation Of The Court File Management System

Posted on:2018-11-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
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With the continuous improvement of the level of government information office,the promotion of the concept of online working,the implementation of the court file management is particularly important.The file management system can manage the paper files online,make a detailed statistics of the situation,to facilitate the judge's online office work.At present,the Tianjin city court uses the C/S mode of the file management system and at the same time the system is difficult to expand,upgrade and maintenance costs are high,the operating system is limited,and the function is not perfect.Therefore,we developed the B/S model file management system to facilitate the implementation of online handling work.This thesis focuses on the design and implementation of file management system:(1)this thesis introduces the MVC model,Bootstrap framework,the principle of the Spring framework,the use of the Hibernate framework,and analyzes their advantages and disadvantages.(2)through the analysis of the basic needs of the project and the user survey,the thesis puts forward the idea of the overall design of the project,the project module is divided,the system data structure design.Focus on the overall architecture of the system design,detailed description of the Hibernate and Spring framework based on the file management system presentation layer,business logic layer,data persistence layer design.(3)on the basis of the demand analysis,this thesis focuses on the specific implementation details of the project file management module,file statistics module,grading management module,personnel management module,and alse code maintenance module.This thesis studies the BS version compared to before the release of the C/S version with the improvement of quality,the new version of the B/S system using SVN,once submitted,the deployment,to solve the difficult problem of the deployment of the courts at all levels,and the update speed in the use of the process has been greatly improved,in addition,the new version of the system have more functions,more can work with managers,so that the electronic file system,intelligent more prominent.
Keywords/Search Tags:MVC, file management, Spring, Hibernate, Bootstrap
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