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Mobile Data Scanning Scheme For External Rent Warehouse

Posted on:2017-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z N HuoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cigarettes belonging to the state monopoly,the sale of cigarettes each cigarette must be installed in the conveyor belt fixed scanner scan bar code,confirm the information of the cigarette,and finally through the backbone of the unit to the data center,the cigarettes to allow sales.As Nanning Cigarette Factory out of the library did not install the conveyor belt and fixed scanner,so data scanning and uploading has become the biggest problem.Therefore,if the leased out of the need for a library of cigarettes out of the library,can only be arranged to open the logistics vehicle to the warehouse outside,the cigarettes loaded,and then shipped back to the unit for artificial unloading,and finally through the Nanning Cigarette Factory installed scanning equipment bar code Scan,before loading the library.This is not only inefficient,while wasting a lot of manpower and material resources.In order to solve the above problems,this project is to install the PDA and wireless AP in the warehouse.When the warehouse needs out of the warehouse,the bar code scanning of the cigarettes is carried out by the PDA.The scanned data is temporarily stored on the PDA.After the scanning is completed,the PDA terminal is connected to the wireless AP,and then the data is transmitted to the data center through the unit backbone.Through the above improvements,ensure the production of goods outside the warehouse information authenticity and uniqueness,to prevent data loss,while improving efficiency and maintain the timeliness of the data to ensure that the normal cigarette out of the library.The research includes:(1)the improvement of the cigarette delivery process,that is,the cigarette barcode scanning can be realized in the warehouse without the cigarette being transported back to the factory for barcode scanning;(2)the barcode scanning function can be realized on the PDA;(3)wireless AP design and configuration,because the bar code scanner is connected through the wireless AP and PDA,so in the scanning program to achieve some of the basic operations of the wireless AP,coupled with the drive,In order to achieve the function of bar code scanning and wireless AP communication,and finally the information transmitted to the PC,the final upload to the data center.
Keywords/Search Tags:bar code, wireless AP, PDA, SQL database
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