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The Design And Implementation Of Scented Ink Online Bookstore System

Posted on:2017-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Q MengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the ancient times, the book transfer not only knowledge but also a kind of faith, sentiment and culture. Internet e-commerce under this impressive background, the majority of consumers trust and rely on the network along with the development of increasingly convenient and exciting way of life. Traditional consumption patterns change so gorgeous after the market presents a phenomenon full of vitality. The Scented Ink Online Bookstore System is the perfect combination of traditional bookstores and e-commerce consumption patterns. According to the process of customer consumption and bookstore management, the system is divided into two parts: front and back-office management. Consumers in the frontend make true their purchase intentions by browsing the web pages, and books replenishment background administrator fulfils the tasks of management, statistics and analysis to provide a kind of service which is more intelligent and convenient. When the demand can be timely discovered and supply, the Scented Ink Online Bookstore System will be able to play the roles of knowledge diffusion, value creation, to avoid the books information transmission blocking phenomenon effectively. And while the management system is becoming more systematic and convenient, the management of Ink Online Bookstore System will be more normative and efficient, and the operation capability of the system will be strengthened.This article is aimed to investigate the real life between consumers and imbalance problems in book sales industry detailedly, and to analysis the background environment of the system and the current development of mature technology. According to customer demand and business management needs, we conducted a careful feasibility analysis. The Scented Ink Online Bookstore System is WEB-based software developed by JSP + Servlet + Java Bean + Oracle implementation, based on the MVC architectural pattern, and uses the Java language as a development language, chooses My Eclipse8.6 as a compiled environment while taking Tomcat as server publishing project. We use Oracle to store data. In order to improve the bookstore business model, the main purpose is proposed to make the customers avoid the limitation of objective factors such as time, place, occasion need boundaries and free flow of books. The improved model can enhance the strength of the bookstore at Ebb Tide network reform and seek a better development.
Keywords/Search Tags:E-commerce, Java, MVC Architectural Pattern, Online Bookstore System
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